LSD Scrog | 400w | RDWC


Well-Known Member
should i be letting nodes grow past the net then train em or should i constantly keep nodes bent


Well-Known Member
You let them grow up a few inches above the screen then you carefully pull them back under and spread them evenly out.


Well-Known Member
JUst pulled a rookie mistake... I was doing some training on the main branch and all of a sudden it gave way. I knew instantly what i did, looked down at the center of the plant where i topped originally and it split right down the middle a good inch. Both main stems are still connected to the stalk pretty good so im just going to leave it alone. Praying it heals and im not even religious. Pics tomorrow of the battle wound.


Well-Known Member
Duck tape that shit brother!

well its been like 6 hours since it happened and its already looking woody as fuck, she'll be fine pics in a few minutes

edit: infact it worked out because it was getting so hard and woody (lol) it was impossible to train around the screen, fixed that shit didnt i? ROFL


Well-Known Member
Day 42 veg, the great divide!

2nd pic looks like shit because my batteries are dying on my camera, sorry :(

Also when you look at the split stem pic, see all that trash under there? Should i pinch all that shit off tonight on both plants?



Well-Known Member
The split doesn't look terrible, hopefully it won't hurt how they grow. I've had similar things happen several times, and imediately wrapped them in duck tape and they always grew back together.

I always remove the lower/inner bud sites, the leaves won't hurt anything, and will keep feeding the plant until they die off. The bud sites are just gonna turn into popcorn nugs and suck energy from the rest of the plant IMHO. There were a couple plants that I topped this last run and wished I had trimmed the lower stuff out afterwards. The colas on the plants are nice and long, but the bottom half of the cola is much more airy then the top. Some people don't believe in trimming anything, I try to keep a balanced view of pruning and use it to make the plants grow how I want them to.


Well-Known Member
The split doesn't look terrible, hopefully it won't hurt how they grow. I've had similar things happen several times, and imediately wrapped them in duck tape and they always grew back together.

I always remove the lower/inner bud sites, the leaves won't hurt anything, and will keep feeding the plant until they die off. The bud sites are just gonna turn into popcorn nugs and suck energy from the rest of the plant IMHO. There were a couple plants that I topped this last run and wished I had trimmed the lower stuff out afterwards. The colas on the plants are nice and long, but the bottom half of the cola is much more airy then the top. Some people don't believe in trimming anything, I try to keep a balanced view of pruning and use it to make the plants grow how I want them to.

I did a bunch of reading last night on people who got their stem split and 9 times out of 10 they always said it was the biggest yielder in the bunch! So hopefully this wont be too big of an issue. They still look fine honestly and when i woke up i saw noticeable growth still, so weird.

I'll be picking off those suckers down at the bottom tonight, its going to be a bitch though because of how my box was built, ill have to lay down on the floor to do anything under that screen. Oh well, cant avoid hard work sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I agree with shim, I tossed mine into 12/12 at 9 inches. Stands 28 inches tall now and over 30 inches wide :mrgreen:
im pretty bad at math but thats roughly a 210% stretch, so im going to base my flipping time off that, good info mang.


Well-Known Member
Yeah there wasnt any drooping or dying off of any leaves since i split the main stem, what an unbelievable plant lol. You break my arm im going to tell ya. Not my bitch though.


Well-Known Member
I sat in the grow room last night on an empty 5 gallon bucket contemplating many things while stoned. I really think i should flip to flower very soon since 6 inches of screen towards the res is prolly not going to be trained into since if there are stems and shit there i wont be able to open my res rofl.

Slight oversight during construction i guess. Let me know what you guys think. ill post pics showing you what im talking about when i get back


Well-Known Member
Day 45 veg,

First pic is what i was talking about, the red line indicates the last string i would end up pulling under, so based off these pics i would say the screen is 65-70% filled, How many more days do you guys think i should veg for? I get this fucking itch to induce flowering so i really need you guys to tell me not to if i really can push it a bit more.

LSD stretches a shitload, 200%+ in most cases ive seen on the net. If i didnt have a journal with fine growers like you guys giving me input i would prolly switch to flowering tonight, tell me why i should or shouldn't. <3



Well-Known Member
I would say another week, but if you have to harvest by a given date go ahead and flip asap. 45 days of veg is great nonetheless.


Well-Known Member
Based on how my LSD are behaving, you could flip any time from now to a week or two from now. I'm not seeing a lot of stretch at all so far (I'm only 10 days into the flip though). That's going to be a nice looking screen, subbed.