any help please 1st time grower , hps 4month and no cola (12.12)


Well-Known Member
Everything I say in this thread is entirely the fault of Sugar Punch (sativa pheno).

(yes - that was a joke. As is the original post) lol


Well-Known Member
^^^A joke right?^^^
I have to say I am now roffl at the idea that anyone would have imagined I was being serious. One click of the link in my sig would show how much the offending comment represents my growing skill. LOL :-P


New Member
Throw the plant anyway. Start over. No need to know what's causing the problem. Start again and make sure you see a female pre-flower before switching the light cycle to 12/12. This case is clearly due to not determining sex before flowering.


Active Member
I laughed so hard at that i couldnt even tyoe a reponse. that was fucked up. How could someone even think that? sniffing to much pollen...

ahhh theleach. You officially have now said the dumbest grow related thing ever. i would add it to my sig, but thanks to pp, ill get to enjoy seeing that on a regular basis. i just cant bring myself to change mine. But i can see you and fin doing well in a institution together. you are both messed up...


Well-Known Member
I have to say I am now roffl at the idea that anyone would have imagined I was being serious. One click of the link in my sig would show how much the offending comment represents my growing skill. LOL :-P
I didn't look at it as if you were serious, I obviously assumed you weren't, just wondering why someone would post such an idiot response, what was the point?


Well-Known Member
Of course I do, he just asked a serious question being a first timer and you answered with a stupid joke, don't understand why you would do that.


LOL funny shizzzz
This thread is a spin out. Goes from one subject to another.

I reckon the OP is a plant from the forum mods to see how tolerant we all are.

My advice based on that is that you need to grow a marijuana plant for 6 years under 24 hours of light for it to develop cola. By that point you will start to see a red tinge in the leaves, usually towards the end of November - this is the start of the can developing. Shortly after this you will be able to hear a faint noise coming from the plant - if you listen very carefully you will hear the plant singing "holidays are coming. holidays are coming". By about the 20th December the resin glans will start to darken. The centre of the trunk will fatten into the unmistakable 2 litre bottle shape. Before the trichomes fully turn and cola is produced.

*disclaimer - that may not be genuine advise*