The Weed Nerd~

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There are still people out there making moonshine and other stuff like that... but not many. There won't be a market. The niche people will have the big boys who can afford to keep in the game... the masses will get the coors of weed. i guess there'll still be a grey market but it's going to be sooooo limited it's not going to be something you can make a living off of you're going to have to have a 9-5 or some other way to pay the bills. Today the small guy can realistically make a living doing this... on the bright side agribiz probably won't stick it's neck in until it's federally legal or at least officially tolerated to where it won't be a business liability. Sheeeeeeeeeeet all you gotta do is look at how Monsanto has screwed/bullied tons of farmers over their GM seed bullshit.

There are still people out there making moonshine and other stuff like that... but not many. There won't be a market. The niche people will have the big boys who can afford to keep in the game... the masses will get the coors of weed. i guess there'll still be a grey market but it's going to be sooooo limited it's not going to be something you can make a living off of you're going to have to have a 9-5 or some other way to pay the bills. Today the small guy can realistically make a living doing this... on the bright side agribiz probably won't stick it's neck in until it's federally legal or at least officially tolerated to where it won't be a business liability. Sheeeeeeeeeeet all you gotta do is look at how Monsanto has screwed/bullied tons of farmers over their GM seed bullshit.


like ya said, youve seen moonshiners the tv show right?
theres not many moonshiners because a lot of folks dont know how to.
thought that was the shows reason for being. but they still do all right.
for just making a lil liquor. it does come down to variety and quality.
people will get tired of smoking marijuana lights, errr i guess marijuana greens since we color code cigarettes now...
always remember seeing that poster in spencers or whatever hot topics was before they went play?
it was a marlboro parody poster of the marlboro man out on the range in his cowboy hat smoking a big spliff
and it was the marlboro logo but said 13 or 14 i was, thinking man i hope that happens one day..
but people will get tired of the same old premanufactured bullshit, and want some good ol homegrown.
so shit, you'll be able to charge what you want to then, yaknow, shiiiit...
The future is a hard thing to predict, and often makes fools of everyone...

Like hash for instance, you'd think it would be a tremendous seller. It's potent, tasty, you dont have to smoke that much to catch a buzz etc... And actually, hash is all I smoke more or less. And when I talk to people, they will tell me about how great hash is. And how they would give their left nut for some honey oil...

But you know what? it's mostly just talk, hash and oil dont' sell very well over all... I mean sure, you come to a site like this. And you would think everyone has been dabbing since they crawled out of the caves.

But the reality is, from personal experience hash and oil dont sell very well... I've had them on the menu a number of times. And despite quality or potency, nobody really wants to buy it. They keep telling me they do, but the reality of it is, they actually don't, and my sales figures support it.
like ya said, youve seen moonshiners the tv show right?
theres not many moonshiners because a lot of folks dont know how to.
thought that was the shows reason for being. but they still do all right.
for just making a lil liquor. it does come down to variety and quality.
people will get tired of smoking marijuana lights, errr i guess marijuana greens since we color code cigarettes now...
always remember seeing that poster in spencers or whatever hot topics was before they went play?
it was a marlboro parody poster of the marlboro man out on the range in his cowboy hat smoking a big spliff
and it was the marlboro logo but said 13 or 14 i was, thinking man i hope that happens one day..
but people will get tired of the same old premanufactured bullshit, and want some good ol homegrown.
so shit, you'll be able to charge what you want to then, yaknow, shiiiit...

well my point is for the few people who are doing it like the moonshiners, like them we'll be back to black market with the cops back chasing us... the big boys'll make sure of that. Is it worth risking jail to try and compete with $25 half ounces? Probably not. How many customers are you REALLY going to get when you have to compete with legal pricing... once big pharma starts, they're gonna drive the price through the FLOOR.

The future is a hard thing to predict, and often makes fools of everyone...

Like hash for instance, you'd think it would be a tremendous seller. It's potent, tasty, you dont have to smoke that much to catch a buzz etc... And actually, hash is all I smoke more or less. And when I talk to people, they will tell me about how great hash is. And how they would give their left nut for some honey oil...

But you know what? it's mostly just talk, hash and oil dont' sell very well over all... I mean sure, you come to a site like this. And you would think everyone has been dabbing since they crawled out of the caves.

But the reality is, from personal experience hash and oil dont sell very well... I've had them on the menu a number of times. And despite quality or potency, nobody really wants to buy it. They keep telling me they do, but the reality of it is, they actually don't, and my sales figures support it.

Interesting on hash but i can see it... ya gotta remember the majority of smokers are not hardcore daily smokers... for them hash isn't gonna provide that much more of an advantage over good flowers... also i'm sure the hash quality in dispensaries has probably increased over the last couple of years since I got some from a cali dispensary... but a lot of it isn't that great of quality and will leave you coughing up a lung....
moonshine... I don't make it anymore but good times were had. real simple to make and if anyone wanted to know how they just have to googe it or ask someone that knows. I still have 1 jar left from my last run but I no longer am a drinking man. used to use chicken feed sometimes, was a lot smoother. I think what I have left is corn whiskey. It just sits on a shelf in my garage, been there close to a decade now. if you wanted I guess you could get a couple food safe 55 gallon drums fill em with 50 lbs of corn meal 50 lbs of sugar add hot water then once it cools a cup of yeast then just keep em in a warm place loosely covered, stir it after a week and every other day after that for the next week. might produce some co2 or something then if you have the means you could boil it off. if you wanted but that doesn't have much to do with weed or being nerdy. some states are talking about industrial hemp that should clean up the gene pool(being sarcastic)
We all seem to spend a lot of time worrying what "they" will do to fuck us once weed is legal. I say, one battle at a time. Lets get it legal and rescheduled. After that, we can all come out of the closet and join the fight against the other bastards. Like gay rights, once we are visible, there will be no stopping us.

(Until that day, my hat is off to all our fellow stoners who are waving the flag in public, like subcool. You are all heros.)
Well i mean with alcohol you can buy a $10 bottle of vodka or a $2000 bottle of cognac. Same thing will go for weed when its legal, you can buy bobby brown or you can buy dank
That's what I'm saying...
Sure the lab tested weed will be nice, but what if they institute only 12% THC and no more?
Like with liquor they limited the alcohol content in multiple states. Only .05% CBD's in Marijuana Reds!
It's gonna be gimmicky and sick, trust me Reef*, you will be able to dabble and still do fine.
Big pharm ain't gonna get every single strain we all want and love.
Some are gonna be left out, that's where you come in. Start now, find something special that is all your own.
Make that next bag the ReefBongWell special or some shit man, shiiiiiet.
moonshine... I don't make it anymore but good times were had. real simple to make and if anyone wanted to know how they just have to googe it or ask someone that knows. I still have 1 jar left from my last run but I no longer am a drinking man. used to use chicken feed sometimes, was a lot smoother. I think what I have left is corn whiskey. It just sits on a shelf in my garage, been there close to a decade now. if you wanted I guess you could get a couple food safe 55 gallon drums fill em with 50 lbs of corn meal 50 lbs of sugar add hot water then once it cools a cup of yeast then just keep em in a warm place loosely covered, stir it after a week and every other day after that for the next week. might produce some co2 or something then if you have the means you could boil it off. if you wanted but that doesn't have much to do with weed or being nerdy. some states are talking about industrial hemp that should clean up the gene pool(being sarcastic)

And that is why dogs don't have belly buttons!
When you are small and you want to survive with the BIG BOYS, you first need to be able to deliver the highest, most unique quality, ALWAYS. Then you need to find people with the same standards/ethic and create a network.
Quality, experience and the pure love necessary to keep the highest quality will not be on the side of the BIG BOYS, don't fear them. It's like fearing competition, and poor competition at that.
What if, what if, what if. Please don't let your fears get too ahead of the facts. We are a long way from large corporations being involved in pot growing.

If the Feds reschedule and allow each state to make it own pot laws, importation and interstate transportation would still be illegal. The only thing we can really say for certain, is that prices will fall, taxes will go up, and fewer stoners will go to jail.

Everything else will be up for debate, so we better be ready. That is why we need organizations like MPP, NORML, DPA, etc. more than ever. We must be organized to fight for legalization and also how legalization is implemented.

Let's please not fall into the trap of thinking that "this is how its gonna because we have no power and THEY always win." Sure, we have every reason to feel like the system is rigged against us, but step back and think... Ten years ago, when George Bush was still President, who amongst us thought we would have legal pot in two states within a decade? Don't give up before the battle has even really started.
Definately agree with frenchy. If you have the best quality you won't lose business. Maybe one sale, then the consumer realizes and you become the monopoly. After all, Product is the first p in the 5 p's of marketing.
Let's please not fall into the trap of thinking that "this is how its gonna because we have no power and THEY always win." Sure, we have every reason to feel like the system is rigged against us, but step back and think... Ten years ago, when George Bush was still President, who amongst us thought we would have legal pot in two states within a decade? Don't give up before the battle has even really started.

Who thought that republicans would actually be the ones pushing for it?
Just watched the latest weed nerd, and Sub; the song "Long haired country boy" describes you well, but another song reminds me more of you, and it's Wet Willie's "smilin", and "are you a farmer or are you a Star". I quess you answered it. Sub keep
Man..I got to spread the love this a lot of comments with my TGA shirt on...met and smoked with some cool people from east tennesse ..gave out some AOS to some people that's never heard of TGA...said it was the best tasting pot they have ever seen or smoked.....strawberry moonshine was the best and smoothest I have ever had....strawberry kush sucked..too wet...
Thank you, Subcool for going to great length to answer the question I had about the Supersoil. I will have to drive 2 hours to get it, but after seeing your grow rooms and the fat nugs on the plants, looks like a worthwhile drive to Salem, Portland, or down in Southern Oregon. Also, I plan on ordering some of that Mickey Kush and some Snowdawg my next seed order. Saving up for next 420 celebration. Going to fly out with my girlfriend and a buddy to party with TGA! Peace!
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