Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Disturbing moments in my sexual history...

"Damn girl, where the hell did you learn THAT?"
"My daddy."

... WTF?

Good night everyone... And, someone, PM me and tell me what the fuck Xanax is. I'm done with it, I don't like me on it, I would kill me, if I met me on it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Wake up. Pee. Go back to bed. Still feel like I gotta pee. Get up. Try to pee. Not working. Now I need to shit. Not working.

Now I am hungry.

Story of my life right now.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ClaytonBigsby again.

Those are cool clay thanks.

Got a new one for you, if anyone is interested, this is the most up to date rendering of our universe.


Staff member
got my letter from FDD today yay<3 was getting worried though i suppose it takes a while to get from canada to OR, than back from OR to Canada. :/

im also sick with a cold booo me, but i bought myself a giant freezie. hahaha

match box

Well-Known Member
Some guy in the area where I live got pissed off and drove his bulldozer over the nabors truck and through his house. His bail was set a 1mil. I think I see anger management classes in his future.

match box

Well-Known Member
We should start a pool to see who can guess when pie will have her baby. Who ever is closest pie has to name the child after that person. lol


Well-Known Member
Some guy in the area where I live got pissed off and drove his bulldozer over the nabors truck and through his house. His bail was set a 1mil. I think I see anger management classes in his future.
ummm only the ones offered by the jail he goes too... only way i see him getting out of it is if he pays for everything and the neighbors drop charges and even then the state will probably prosecute because they tend to not like people doing this sort of thing