2 week pictures


Active Member
alright ive been growing this plant indoor for about two weeks,
i am wondering does it look good for two weeks, cause the stem isnt very strong, it cant stand up on its own.
click the attachments for pictures.
:peace: <3 :joint:



Well-Known Member
That looks exactly like my first attempt.

I never wanted to put the light too close out of fear of burning them, and they grew like that, all curly and they had a piss weak stem.

This time I stuck a fan right on the light and I have a CFL about 2 inches away from the plant, the stem is already about 2 - 3 times thicker than my last ones, it's also dead straight, plus the temp around the plant is nice and cool.

I am not 100% sure if that's your problem, but if it is, you might want to concerntrate some light right up close so the plant isn't stretching, just make sure you blow the hot air away, or they will burn like my first ones did :(


Well-Known Member
look very stretched, lower the light if possible. no offence but they look like crap for 2 weeks. Good thing is we learn from mistakes :)


Well-Known Member
I burned a few plants on my first grow and let me tell you this....your better off being a little stretched. Move the lights closer and give us a new picture in a week. GL


Active Member
i added two more lights
and a fan.
in about another week i will take another picture.


Well-Known Member
yep the plant is wayyy stretched. put the light about 4-5inches away and that will stop the stretching.


Well-Known Member
i started them out in 8 oz cups, but i stopped doing that and now i just start them in the bigger containers