Scotland Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
The cheese is looking good mate, never done a cheese before but i heard they really stink, hence cheese lol. never did autos either, supposed to be a few weeks quicker, looked into the fast bud#2 few years ago but the '5 weeks harvest from seed' bullshit put me right off, no plant today will harvest this quick but would love to be wrong lol.

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
The cheese is looking good mate, never done a cheese before but i heard they really stink, hence cheese lol. never did autos either, supposed to be a few weeks quicker, looked into the fast bud#2 few years ago but the '5 weeks harvest from seed' bullshit put me right off, no plant today will harvest this quick but would love to be wrong lol.
would agree with that Budman, most of the claims on the seeds packs are just a load of S**T same is the claims they make about yield, '' Average yield per plant 600g '' My arse.


Well-Known Member
fuck off back to ya hole hobbit, wasnt u just saying in the irish thread bout fooling the scots/english with some fake gaylick....

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Nothing much to see at the moment in my own cupboard, just switched to 12/12 a couple of days ago, so its just still a cupboard full of leaves at the moment. The trainwrecks I vegged are of to my boys house, he's set up a cupboaNL Group 49V 1 Flip 1.jpgrd grow ( That's ma boy ) the ones Ive got left are Nirvana Northern Lights and they look Ok I suppose still, will be a couple of weeks before any buds start showing.


Well-Known Member
Got a quarter of nice Blue Cheese off a mate of a mate yesterday & found 2 seed in it, im gonna see if they sprout and throw them in the back of ma cupboard in 2ltr btls and try out lollipopping for the 1st time, not to bothered about yield from them it all for the experience, and the shit is good so wouldnt mind some more to smoke. i will get some pics up if they germ ok in the nxt cpl days

Bilbo Baggins

Well-Known Member
Not much to show in pics for the moment except for the usual cupboard full of leaves, 8 days into the flip just now, and pistil hairs development plus a bit of stretch, will post pics once buds start to show.

However I am chuffed with my first efforts at cloning, took 5 Trainwreck cuttings 2 weeks ago and now 4 of them are showing roots.G2TW Rooted Clone.jpg


Well-Known Member

  • Thanks man.... yeah i got a nice little 8 plant perpetual grow going with Ak 48, Lemon Diesel, Blue Dream, Jack 33, and a couple sssdh under a 400 and 250 side by side... and a little 250 watt hps grow with 4 Ak 48 also... Turning out a steady 2 zips a week from the perp grow and not sur what i'll get from the 250 yet as its just the first grow...​
