really confused with pics help please


Active Member
hi guys i have 2 plants which i am not sure about they are OG18 fem seed and a chemdog fem seed... i am currently on day 19 of 12/12
here are some pics was wondering if you lot thought they looked like hermies or not

og 18


and here is the chemdog

the thing is i have only seen a few of these "balls" if they are balls and im not sure what to they shall i isolate them or shall i keep them with the rest!...also is it too late now are the others pollinated? if so what are the first signs of a hermie


Active Member
Ahhh shit... yep- Male pods! Remove them ALL -- FAST! they can open in a matter of HOURS and pollinate everything in the house- sometimes even your NEXT grow!

You must either have a light leak in the grow space, or you got snookered on your seeds.... to have 2 different strains BOTH hermie--??

Again- look for light leaks, or any other stressors that could have done this....


Well-Known Member
Gutted dude. They're full hermaphrodites like the Kosher Kush I grew. Full balls with full female hairs right from the start. I feel for you dude - I pulled mine with a real sense of anger aimed at DNA/Reserva. Shame on them for continuing to sell these fucked up genetics!


Well-Known Member
Again- look for light leaks, or any other stressors that could have done this....
Fair point, fair suggestion. But my Kosher's went the same in a tent that caused 5 Sugar Punch and a Kolossus no problems at all. It's the genetics within the DNA fems in my opinion. I certainly will never ever grow them based on this belief.


Well-Known Member
I think what you think are balls, are calyxes... see the two tiny thread like hairs coming out, that is the calyx...
All female plants have calyxes...
Male plants do not have a calyx.
Hermies could have a calyx and a pollen puff ball waiting to open...
Let the plants be for a bit, all that picture taking and bending, looking for bad....
Be nice to the plant....plant be nice to you...
Ha... Good Luck


Active Member
im pissed with dna iv noticed reserva aswell have bad genetics....what i might do is take them out and put them in a cupboard and finish them off


Well-Known Member
I think what you think are balls, are calyxes
Hard to tell I know with pics that are out of focus. But those balls look like they're on little stems - which is what male flowers are like. Calxy's just form at the node.


Well-Known Member
im pissed with dna iv noticed reserva aswell have bad genetics....what i might do is take them out and put them in a cupboard and finish them off
Ditto dude. DNA & Reserva are the same company. They're strains are just so susceptible to it.