Where can buy Femanized seeds


Sector 5 Moderator
I sent $50 cash for some Acupulco Gold seeds to Highgrade Seeds in Canada. They claimed they never got the letter. Yeah sure.


Active Member
Dont send cash into canada. our mailmen are crooked. even birthday cards with cheques disaper. they catch em all the time.


Active Member
you crazy?! ive never had ANYTHING go wrong in the mail,
Lol, my cousins husband is a letter carier.hes like me, lived and worked in alnost every province and teritory. he was the one who told me to stop mailing birthday cards full of money. he say me putting 500 bucks to mail to my mom and he blew his stack. he said if some of his co workers was delivering that shit, it would never make it.

contact seedbanks directly, you can bank transfer (only do this if you are med+) western union, money order... most accept several forms of pay


Staff member
Lol, my cousins husband is a letter carier.hes like me, lived and worked in alnost every province and teritory. he was the one who told me to stop mailing birthday cards full of money. he say me putting 500 bucks to mail to my mom and he blew his stack. he said if some of his co workers was delivering that shit, it would never make it.

contact seedbanks directly, you can bank transfer (only do this if you are med+) western union, money order... most accept several forms of pay
never ever happend to me, maybe he just knew some shady fucking people my dad sends me cash in the mail all the time


Active Member
Hes worked all over. hes met a few fucked up people in the post service. its a tiny percentage, but like any job, theres always pieces of shit who thieve off job sites. theres always a few. ive never worked a job where employes dont steal anything. when i was a teenager, i worked in a resteraunt, and the manager came to me once and gave me a free dinner for 4 coupon. i asked him what for he said i was the only employee who had never stolen anything. he watches the cameras all day (there were 2 in the fridges) and he saw people stealling everything all the time. people even stole things like heads of lettuce.

its a fucked up world we live in. out in bc, at outdoor harvest time, guys go around sniffing around remote areas trying to find and steal crops. and they do. but they also get killed for it. i heard of a guy out by nelson shot a team of theives and burried all 4 of em half a klick away from his patch. i dont know if its true, but id believe it. if i caught a thief in my shit, id have a hard time allowing them to leave. They always come back. or they blab.

no matter what tho, be careful sending cash. its risky. im glad to hear you get your envelopes sunni. ontario is alot more honnest than say some parts out west here. Especially here in alberta. jobs are everywhere so people do whatever they want. speaking of people doing whatever they want, that also reminds me of when i worked in a resteraunt in edmonton. some dude (was probably 30) made a mashed potato snowman on a plate and a waiter actually brought it to a table. they were both fired, and niether cared. its deffinitly the attitude here. out east, jobs are harder to get.


Well-Known Member
This shop deliver to the US. They are really great with service too, I'm sure if you phoned them and explained your situation they could work something out. Certainly more likely to get personalised service than with Attitude.


Used them myself personally on a number of occasions, and they offer the best service of any shop I have used in the last 20 years. Such quality deserves recommending.