The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
I'm just curious about this country in particular. I read a lot of posts in this thread about why it should be legal and people being frustrated, but at the same time, wanting every penny they can for their stuff. Like with the US situation, just curious who here prefers the profit margin over the lack of freedom so to speak.
ok lets walk the path

legal yeah ? no fuckers going to earn money yeah ? well no

theres a shit load of people who simply are not in a possition to grow , the idea everyone can is wrong , if i had my kids at home theres no assumption theres room to have plants and given most people who smoke are 16-35 its also a given they live in the countrys shitest housing

so its legal lets spliff up yeah ? and yeah people would , useage would defo go up from the around 6% to a closer to america 12% , this means more weeds needed ,,,, simple commercial sense says its cash in time

so people grow there own , given the quantity of `` its brown/yellow/a friend said rip all its leaves off and feed it bleach`` threads i dont think people who have half a clue need to worry too much about increased numbers of grows

quality and type will also become a major factor , no-one is growing super silver for months on end and not expect decent rewards and the same goes for thai or c/gold , this means the quality of weed out there will increase , people with wet brown shit will simply have to flog it to people without a pot to piss in , there will be pride in having the best weed regardless of if you brought it or grew it , thats human nature , also mix in the idea of cancer treatment needing 17 oz to make some decent oil for a treatment and there still coin to be had

cloning ,,,,,, people wont fuck about with seed sales not knowing if a plants ever getting out the ground or will blow balls of disaster everywhere , me ill earn a fuckin fortune at a fiver a pop providing clones of exotics , the moment some fucker signs its legal im off to the usa to grab all i can

tax man , well thats a hard one , if they did have a chance to tax it and given its a cash rich market there going to be fucked as everyone will scam , not only this but drink sales will have a reduction so the tax man will have the ability to loose money over all , it would require the tax man to look into every penny you spend to determine if your saying even close to the amount earned and this will not be possible , yeah you could have B+H type of fag packets like those little box`s in the dam but people would have to be rather fuckin stupid to assume the quality would be there

so in all its a ++++++a for smokers and growers and a shitter for the powers that be , the money will still be there or even increase but the governments not got it in its interest to do the right thing , until then and if they cant take a joke ill continue to do what i do


Well-Known Member
grow any of the clone onlys up here its 350 an oz no matter what and everyone accepts it for some reason, just heard about somone whit psychosis round here must have a snoop nobody has actually ever had an ongoing supply of anything but the exo round here

10 oscars of cheese went out the door yesterday at 160 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is normal here , fuck i need to move


Well-Known Member
Ah, it's looking to be an entertaining day. Got me an over-sensitive liverpool supporter in another thread about to break into tears because of some slightly offensive football chant. If he get's that worked up about the man u munich air crash, i wonder how he'll react if i post this one :lol:

Ohh, I wish it could be Hillsborough everydaaaaay, where the fans start swinging and the fence begins to swaaaaaay!
Ohh, I wish it could be hillsborough everydaaaaay,where they rob dead bodies and the fans refuse to paaaaaaay!

Oh it's fun to watch people take the internet so seriously :D

a friend of mine andy died that day

post it , he would have found it funny , lifes to short to worry about a few words on the screen :peace:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah you can get some high wattage cfl's but they just arn't gonna do the job as a proper grow light would.
saying that though a mates got x2 30w red spec cfl's i can use if i want, thinking of hanging them both either side of the 400 into the mid / lower section of the plants now i'm flowering,
think i'll grab those off him today and rig em up for tonight.
the heat might be an issue unless you've got good extraction already, my 250 blue cfl is fuckin toasty, dries popcorn nugs in 24 hours, to a crisp.
grow any of the clone onlys up here its 350 an oz no matter what and everyone accepts it for some reason, just heard about somone whit psychosis round here must have a snoop nobody has actually ever had an ongoing supply of anything but the exo round here
350 ?!?!? fuckin ell that's gotta be jockland aye?
10 oscars of cheese went out the door yesterday at 160 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is normal here , fuck i need to move
i've thought the same for ages. but 160 is a good payday and your not worrying about some young firm taxing you. and there's plenty of them about now.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
for the little bubblponic cloner? yeah that should be a good read, it juust the fogponic with a bubble stone aind airpump right?. i might knock 2 of them up on a helia 2 outlet depends i dont want anymore than 6 clones at a time, thinkin about just flowering from clones then cloning the clones before the stretch is done for the next lot and holding them in a wee diy box till flowering is done...

85w cfl for 6 clones?, just to make them root and then pop them in a tiny pot to go rootbound till i can get them in a pot for flowering?

or at least a quick veg dont like the long veg period its too boring lmoa.
aye that's it exactly man. i'd hav done it last night but i'm currently eating my dinner out the tupperwear haha


Well-Known Member
10 oscars of cheese went out the door yesterday at 160 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is normal here , fuck i need to move
yeah mate you do, when you pack up and move get a house northern scotland in the country, might not be able to grow outdoors, but you will be able to flog those exotic strains at 300 each for bulk in minutes...


Well-Known Member
350 ?!?!? fuckin ell that's gotta be jockland aye?

ofcourse... where everones scales are off...

im pretty sure its cheese the exo that goes for that, and psychosis, if there was any livers/blues goin about that would probably be the same aswell
it goes 350 an oz fuck knows how they come up with those numbers well ass somone said before people are makin 450+ now with the 25 bags that are just over a g

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
simple really, cos folks will pay it. me i tell my toot dealer if his shits under or below quality every time. i'll never be buying weed again if it goes for those prices. i'm thinking of sending all my hash run to an offshore island for distribution and double the profit. lol


Well-Known Member
aye that's it exactly man. i'd hav done it last night but i'm currently eating my dinner out the tupperwear haha
lmao, anyone know a good hash seller from eu on bmr i seen one from france 101 quid for 25g of morrocon thinkin about buyin it and turnin it over.


Well-Known Member
simple really, cos folks will pay it. me i tell my toot dealer if his shits under or below quality every time. i'll never be buying weed again if it goes for those prices. i'm thinking of sending all my hash run to an offshore island for distribution and double the profit. lol
yeah mate nothin realy to be done about it, i dont buy any of that anymore not worth the money right now, easily smoke it in 1 nigh that expensive 25 quid a night, fuck that drive up here ursel and get somone to hook you up 300 an oz still payin somone 50 an oz to get rid of it for you still doubling ur money.


Well-Known Member
simple really, cos folks will pay it. me i tell my toot dealer if his shits under or below quality every time. i'll never be buying weed again if it goes for those prices. i'm thinking of sending all my hash run to an offshore island for distribution and double the profit. lol
im in love with the dog might buy a pack of seeds and do a couple 12/12 from seed or summit...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lot of folks love the dog man. what's not to love at 21.7% THC. i'd love someone to enter exo psycho or livers just to see what their content is. the gas spectrometer kit to test it costs grands...

i got a little bag with some blue pits in the other day. if you've not seen DST's pics of that one she's a beaut


Well-Known Member
lot of folks love the dog man. what's not to love at 21.7% THC. i'd love someone to enter exo psycho or livers just to see what their content is. the gas spectrometer kit to test it costs grands...

i got a little bag with some blue pits in the other day. if you've not seen DST's pics of that one she's a beaut
ill have to have a looksy, yeah mate all thos bb strains look real nice, shame thers no fems of the dog instock hopefully i can get a female and keep it as clone, and get it distributed around here.
SUbcool said it cost him around 15 grand to enter a cannabis cup and have everything tested and all, and that was all his money not tga he said....

@ moggy yeah man iv popped a few beans and sold the plants fiver a pop could do the same with clones the guy keeps killin them so ill run him dry


Well-Known Member
aye the dog is strong but unless it smells like grade then nobody will be interested, u know wat the byers is like!

just talking to my man at the local shop, hes only on oxys and gunna sort me sum out! woot thatel be fun

now bak to boxing shit up,, real hard throwing shit out wen i dont throw nowt awa grrr


Well-Known Member
aye the dog is strong but unless it smells like grade then nobody will be interested, u know wat the byers is like!

just talking to my man at the local shop, hes only on oxys and gunna sort me sum out! woot thatel be fun

now bak to boxing shit up,, real hard throwing shit out wen i dont throw nowt awa grrr

price on them oxys 20mg,40mg,80mg only, taking 5s n 10s to the same amount dont work the same for some reason, also be very careful with them some seriously strong stuff can od very easily.


Well-Known Member
@ IC3 yeah no problem up here gettin rid of a bit of green mate, people buying sprayed weed ques at her door for wet shit weed, im assuming a properly dried grindable piece of bud would be more appealing think within the next couple years ima put this bitch outa buisness sellin wet 1.0's for a tenner, when it dries you got like 0.4 if ur lucky.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ill have to have a looksy, yeah mate all thos bb strains look real nice, shame thers no fems of the dog instock hopefully i can get a female and keep it as clone, and get it distributed around here.
SUbcool said it cost him around 15 grand to enter a cannabis cup and have everything tested and all, and that was all his money not tga he said....
aye he entered loads of stuff and into diff categories like hash, honey oil, wax and weed that plus the 2 grand to enter adds up quick.

dog regs are there to buy now you've missed the sale though man :(
aye the dog is strong but unless it smells like grade then nobody will be interested, u know wat the byers is like!
dog pen and inks like fuck man.


Well-Known Member
aye he entered loads of stuff and into diff categories like hash, honey oil, wax and weed that plus the 2 grand to enter adds up quick.

dog regs are there to buy now you've missed the sale though man :(
dog pen and inks like fuck man.
yeah its cool aint worried bout no sales or nowt, gonna tena ten pack and crack a few keep a good girl for cloning.

i heard sombody say it saves you 2 weeks using rooted clones than seeds, seems logical to not want to go through the 2 most boring weeks of growing.

also breeding has crossed my mind, that would be a nice little hobby makin ur own strains, but i gues theres alot more to read on that and abut 5 years away from intentionally growing a male plant...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye well basically the plant is mature as the mother. only thing is you generally don't get as thicker stems with cuts than clones but a fan on em sorts that toot suite