FIRST PLANTS EVER - From seed to smoke - Welcome anyone's thoughts ;)

Okay just started the brave adventure of growing on March 1st and I am currently in my 12th week of VEG. I plan on going into flower in Mid-June. And I promise to upload pics of my plants and how they look now.

but first, in an effort to be thorough, I wanted to catelog all the pics I've taken from Sprout up until now because I know that there will be new growers out there and even though I'm still in VEG, I want them to be able to look at this thread to see the journey from Sprout to Smoke ;)

Since I'm a new grower and I've learned so much shit along the way and I look forward to learning more.


Getting all the right equipment...

Made a new home for them in the cabinet...

When I over watered them and damn near killed them...

Yet another noob mistake...when I put the light too close and damn near burned them:

Making yet another new home for them (did I mention this is my first grow? lol)

Really starting to grow:

LST - Time to tie them hoes down ;)

Topped each plant

Recovering nicely after getting topped:

Stem getting thick:

Added 2 more 4 lights total

Getting really big and bushy...

Some quick trimming

My nutrient schedule:

I'm going to start adding some Molassess to my feedings...

Oder Control - I'm gonna get a Soler & Palau TD-100X In-Line Exhaust Fan from Amazon, and I gotta figure out a good DIY carbon filter I can make with this exhaust.

--Plan on going into flower in mid-June (gender is still unknown for both plants but hoping I have at least 1 girl :lol:)
--Get Flowering home set up for 12 hourse of light and 12 hours of complete darkness
--Get Mylar emergency blanket for new flowering home
--Nutrition: Slowing bumping up strengh of Fox Farm. Currently at 30% strength. Repeating week #4 of nutrition until I hit flower until mid-june
--Get DIY Carbon Filter built and installed
--Need to supercrop wayward branches
--Need to do research on if I should trim further. Based on the pics above, is there any prunning or "lollypopping" I could do to further clean up the plant? I welcome your honest thoughts.
--Need to find a good rooting compound. What would you guys recommend / had good experience with???? I tried Clone X and that shit did *not* work for me.

I currently have 4 CFLs - all at BRIGHT WHITE light

My 2 main Clamp Lamp CFLs hanging above are each: Brand: Argosun, 32 watt (150 watt equivalent), 6400k, 1800 Lumens

My 2 side lamp CFLs are at: Brand n:vision, 27 watt (100 watt equivalent), 5500k, 1650 Lumens

So 2 plants = my total Lumens 6900 Lumens

I'm using FoxFarm Ocean Forrest Soil

I use Distilled water. And I read how important the PH is so I keep the PH around 6.5

That's all for now. I'll have more pics soon.

I welcome your honest thoughts.

My thanks for following my noob thread ;)





Well-Known Member
dude cant see pics, but hey fix that cabinet for light leaks. when you start to feed go 1/4 the strength. then work your way up.
okay...fixed pics above. Sorry about that...I re-uploaded all the pics and you should be able to see them. Welcome everyone's thoughts ;)
Looking forward to going into flower strong in mid-June.

My thanks for following my noob thread ;)


Plants are coming along. Setting up a wardrobe box grow for when I hit flower in mid-june.

Here are the most recent pics. Enjoy.


attached some Mylar material to the sides of the box and for the short time the plants have been in there, it's really made a difference and the plants have gotten bushier...

Little fan in there just to move some air around down there...


Recovering nicely after supercropping...

Recovering nicely after some additional topping a week ago...

Getting really bushy...


Recovering nicely after being topped again about a week ago...

Supercropped a little too hard and ripped the stem and had to put it in a scotch tape cast....

Tieing those hoes down....;)

Growth is really taking off in the middle of the plant...

Looking forward to going into flower in Mid-June.

Hoping at least one of these are girls ;)

Enjoy the pics.

My thanks as always for anyone who follows my noob thread ;)

Best always..



Well-Known Member
Looking good man, I like the LST, and the color is good, but 12 weeks of veg?
They're kinda small.
Keep it up, you'll come out fine.
Yeah I compared my plants to other plants who went 12 weeks of veg and mine are def small. But I know I made some major noob mistakes in the beginning (see pics in the first post on this thread) where I overwatered them...the put the lights tooo close and burned the leaves to a crisp...then kept transplanting to a bigger pot (I didn't realize it then bunt now I realize I was sending the plant into shock....mustve transplanted them about 4 times each). Then kept moving them trying to find / build the best home for them. In truth I'm just glad I made it this far. But I'm a first time grower and making mistakes is a part of learning I guess. Looking forward to going into flower strong.

Feel free to keep checking in...I'll need all the help I can get :)

Will post some pics. Just started day 1 of the 12/12 cycle of flower. Got some soft whites in there. got all my light cracks handled - I'm good to go. Fingers crossed at least one is a female ;)

QUICK QUESTION: If I need to check on them at night I don't wanna use a regular light...I've heard I can use a green bulb. Can anyone shoot me a link for what green bulb I can use? Or a green flash light bulb? Thanks :)
Trimmed them up big time and I'm officially into FLOWER.

DAY 1 of flower.

got 2 plants in a home depot wardrobe box.

12/12 light cycle.

LIGHTING: I got 3 big-ass SOFT WHITE blubs (which as I understand are ideal for flowering).

--Built a do it yourself light stand with 1 inch PVC pipe and connectors and a PVC cutter (all inexpensive and found at HOME DEPOT)
No light leaks. But will check again tomorrow.

--Got a little fan build in there to get some ventilation on them and keep the air moving around.

Welcome anyone's the meantime

(1) Get Green bulb in case I need to turn lights on.
(2) Get another CFL light splitter at home depot just in case.
(3) Triple Check for Light leaks tomorrow
(4) Need to get Black Diamond Activated Carbon
(5) Need to get Soler & Palau TD-100X In-Line Exhaust Fan at Amazon



Active Member
Cant really tell properly but I reckon you need to get your lights closer, about 2 inches from top of plants. When you design your grow cabinet always allow for needing to adjust your lights or level of your plants. Just put them on some books or shoe box's or anything you have to hand. What are your temps like in there?
Cool. Took your advice and moved the lights about 2 inches closer to the top of the plants. It's all PVC piping so I can twist it and turn it, raising or lowering the lights if I need to as the plant grows ;) Thanks man. BTW any specific green light bulb I should get? Not sure if there are specific brands of green bulbs especially made for growers in grow houses...welcome your thoughts. Looking forward to growing my first buds....fingers crossed big time :)


Well-Known Member
Looking good. Personally I would add more CFLs and flower them now. Dont use that molasses it is not the right kind, you want Black Strap it is special for plants. IMO molasses is not really worth using. The CaMg I use has molasses in it already so I feel that is good enough. I had bad bug issues last grow and I think it was from the molasses, bugs love it.
Looking good. Personally I would add more CFLs and flower them now. Dont use that molasses it is not the right kind, you want Black Strap it is special for plants. IMO molasses is not really worth using. The CaMg I use has molasses in it already so I feel that is good enough. I had bad bug issues last grow and I think it was from the molasses, bugs love it.
Will see if I can figure out a way to add more CFLs. I can get a splitter for the other bulb so I'll have 4 cfls total. Cant really go too much after that because of the heat. I will heed your advice and avoid the molasses. I don't have too many bug problems though (knock on wood).

thanks man. appreciate the advice.

I'm flowering them now. I'm on day 2 or 3 of flower. keeping my eyes peeled for some pistils :)

diet coke

Active Member
I would skip the carbon filter and use the money on lights and a small tent or proper space. You can use 55w cfl twist and not get heat issue.
Your plants look healthy , I would say a week to 10 days for flower ID.