RadMichelle's stokin first LST, 400HPS, Bubba Kush and good badseed


2 weeks.jpg3.jpg4.jpg5.jpg6.jpgWhat's up guys, been around for a minute, finally decided to compile some pics of how this run is going, thought to share!

Received Bubba Kush as a clone in march began with CFL's and switched to 400watt hps and here are a few pictures of it's adventure since, these photos are the first month in veg with LST training, I had some nute burn but ill post most recent photos.

Below are some photos of the bubba kush LST bush i'm
growing, this is the second month in veg from clone-
(included a photo that she had some nute burn and ph
problems, little lack of P, and heat issue lol- with a flush and low dose balanced nutes she came
back just fine)

you can see i'm getting some heavy branching out in the
last set of photos, just switched BK to 12/12 4 days ago, was wondering- whats
your opinion on pruning
the lower canopy and branches, so far I've just been removing a few -more then
half dead- leaves but its a pretty dense bush. Thanks again xoxo
soil-fox farms ocean forest
nutes- ff grow big, ff tiger bloom, GM seaweed extract



Here are the other guys I had started late march, various shots of them, had 7 random bagseed from some yummy stuff at the club, lol owner tried to buy them back from me when I mentioned it so decided to hang onto them- 4 were female, here are various shots since- they too just hit 12/12 4 days ago- will snap up to date photos soon
was wondering- if I transplanted right before the 12/12 into more ffof, 2 I had to double pot- do I still give low dose flower nutes? thanks again! IMG_20130515_160020.jpgIMG_20130515_135425.jpgIMG_20130514_222637.jpgIMG_20130514_221747.jpg
was wondering- if I transplanted right before the 12/12 into more ffof, 2 I had to double pot- do I still give low dose flower nutes?
I did this exact thing with no problems. Transplanted the first week of 12/12 and started them on their normal feeding dosages, and they didn't show any signs of rejection.

Although I would water first post-transplant, give them the time to dry and settle in their new home, and then hit 'em with the nutes/water!