The Irish Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
of course buds bud but up until 3 months ago i had never even had an edible before, thats after 17 years of smoking and well.... holy fuck.... this shit is hard core... and taking too much is shite craic.... but once you have your portion sizes down and a stock pile in the freezer... a nibble on a quater cookie while waiting for the kettle to boil saves a lot of time rolling... mmmm home made weed bounty bars...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha weed bounty bars hahahaha i love the sound of that...

ah i`ve always said i`d make butter and maybe soon i`ll get the chance too, not too pushed as of yet, like i said just want to fill some jars and go from there, i`ve rushed myself into the last two or three grows and paid the price for it down the road so once stocked i ope to do it right next time....

so many ideas floating around its hard too settle on one....


Well-Known Member
i think there's a lot more small grows than people think.... i know of 3 other people in the town where i am and it would be classed as a small town....


Well-Known Member
yeah my cfl's aren't too hot themselves but when i open the wardrobe, i get a slight heat blast from the top only cos of heat buildup. i can't imagine the heat build up of a hps system. it's why i try to keep it open as much as possible. although my tiny half powered pc fan keeps the temperature perfect
Just looking around and seen this, let me give you a little advise as i myself have been growing in a wardrobe for the last 2 years,

A pc fan is great but only for extracting hot air, get a fan and mark on the side or back of youre wardrobe up high where the hot air will be and cut out a hole just smaller than the fan and screw the fan onto the wardrobe faceing outward to blow hot air out, i was worried about doing this and having light escape but it has improved my growing conditions alot and now i dont even really need to leave the doors open, get a small desk fan inside for moving air around or another 1-2 pc fans at least,

on the point where you talk about the heat from the cfl, ive used both 250watt cfl and 250w hps and theres no difference in heat, the hps will make youre buds dense and yield a little more but dont worry about it being too hot you wont see a difference, get the pc fan pulling hot air out and it will help youre plants alot


Well-Known Member
Personally... i would go for 2 simple extractor fans that you can buy at any hard ware store... i got an 18 watt one a while back for 15 euros... and they're pretty quiet.... solved my wardrobe heat issues...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Just looking around and seen this, let me give you a little advise as i myself have been growing in a wardrobe for the last 2 years,

A pc fan is great but only for extracting hot air, get a fan and mark on the side or back of youre wardrobe up high where the hot air will be and cut out a hole just smaller than the fan and screw the fan onto the wardrobe faceing outward to blow hot air out, i was worried about doing this and having light escape but it has improved my growing conditions alot and now i dont even really need to leave the doors open, get a small desk fan inside for moving air around or another 1-2 pc fans at least,

on the point where you talk about the heat from the cfl, ive used both 250watt cfl and 250w hps and theres no difference in heat, the hps will make youre buds dense and yield a little more but dont worry about it being too hot you wont see a difference, get the pc fan pulling hot air out and it will help youre plants alot

he has one of those sliderobes kang, can`t really cut a hole in it.... good idea tho...

any update on the girls? ow they doing dude, did you get over the phìng issues?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Personally... i would go for 2 simple extractor fans that you can buy at any hard ware store... i got an 18 watt one a while back for 15 euros... and they're pretty quiet.... solved my wardrobe heat issues...

two would be better than one hahahaha, i`d rather the bigger fans to move that air out, nothing against pc fans just with a wardrobe grow are they up to the job? and cloudy will only go up from here so the bigger fan will be of use again...


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha don`t let him suck you in md, sambo loves the smack talking hahahaha...

hows yourself dude? the co-op going well, i assume it can only improve from here in as you have the bulk of the growing licked... you got anything going in your own cab at home? not sure been awhile since i caught up with you......
Oh its all in fun, the smack talking that is, I have no ill will towards anyone here on this great thread we all have.

The co-op has about 2 weeks then its the brutal trimming having to buy new trimmers every run they get so sticky and changing rubber gloves about 15 times through out the process unless all three of us our there than we knock it out in about 2.5 hours but by yourself to do a prober trim it takes about 5 hours and the next day your hands throb but its all worth the end result. I will hopefully get my grow going sometime next week, work has been busy hired some new guys and have to train them. I think I mentioned it but I'm a network engineer (computer stuff). I'm usually off on weekends but will be working 12 hour days on the weekends through june which sucks but the pay is well worth it, to support my hobby hahahahaha.

How are you AE? how is the bubba doing? Good I hope. So glad you are back on here it wasn't the same when you were gone.


Well-Known Member
@spliffchris: I grew out AK48 a few times and like it a lot, not as much as AK47 but it is a nice smoke for sure hope your clones turn out great. My next grow is going to be a variety pack of blueberry headband, chocolate heaven, white widow x big bud, LA Snowcap, critical+, and grapefruit. The nute and water intake and feeding schedule should be wacky with that many different strains but I will dial it in no problem.


Well-Known Member
two would be better than one hahahaha, i`d rather the bigger fans to move that air out, nothing against pc fans just with a wardrobe grow are they up to the job? and cloudy will only go up from here so the bigger fan will be of use again...
Ill be honest when i had family staying last summer the only thing i was worried about was the noise of the out take fan ( cant remember brand.... vents 150 (70watts) or something like that) she a beauty (and was 90 euro ) but fuck shes noisy... so bought two 18 watt bathroom extractor fans to use while the family were here.... made no difference to temperature whats so ever ... maybe 1 or 2 degrees max... was raging but then its a pretty big grow area mayby 18 square feet foot print and 9 foot high so prob be different in a smaller space..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
glad to be back md, you`d miss this place beleive it or not, well i would as its the only real place i have to chat and share on the growing..

the bubbas are swelling as we speak, they have really started the bloom in true now, not just produceing pistils but the bud formation is excellent, there not super stinky but they have the most pleasant aroma when i go in to water etc, and they look like true producers, the tall one has at least 4 weeks left and already about an ounce on it, with the shorter one catching up fast.. shorter from when and where it was topped..

with the amount you guys have i`d invest in electric trimmers, getting through that lot by hand must be killer on the fingers...

me myself, well... nearly where i want to be, have overcome some bad deals and luck of late, and am on the road to recovery,the kids are all happy and healthy the bills are paid so i`m in a good place right now, thanks for asking dude..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
@spliffchris: I grew out AK48 a few times and like it a lot, not as much as AK47 but it is a nice smoke for sure hope your clones turn out great. My next grow is going to be a variety pack of blueberry headband, chocolate heaven, white widow x big bud, LA Snowcap, critical+, and grapefruit. The nute and water intake and feeding schedule should be wacky with that many different strains but I will dial it in no problem.

7 strains on the go at one time... your canopy will be all over the place hahahahahaa...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Ill be honest when i had family staying last summer the only thing i was worried about was the noise of the out take fan ( cant remember brand.... vents 150 (70watts) or something like that) she a beauty (and was 90 euro ) but fuck shes noisy... so bought two 18 watt bathroom extractor fans to use while the family were here.... made no difference to temperature whats so ever ... maybe 1 or 2 degrees max... was raging but then its a pretty big grow area mayby 18 square feet foot print and 9 foot high so prob be different in a smaller space..

noise... thats something we didn`t bring up before, some fans can make the room really hum.. its easy for me i just got the desktop going 24/7 on them and enough air volume even without the chimney, to get me through not needing extraction as passive was good enough, where i fell down was the condensation, that was a serious problem for me, hahahaha it was actually raining inside the shed it was that bad....



Well-Known Member
A 6 inch pc fan wired to an old phone charger does a really great job at pulling out hot air from the wardrobe, also they are totally silent not a sound from it, i have an carbon filter and extractor fan but its so loud i have not used in in years. the pc fan works great for pc cases and it works just as well in a wardrobe.

My hydro girl is doing well, my new ec meter still dident come, i added 20ml of cal-mag to the 13 liter rez and the old ec meter i have shows no difference in the ec lol its fucked, plant is loving the calmag tho and roots are shooting out of the netpot everywhere

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
again i`ve never used one in practical terms but, i know the one in this lappy is silent and the thing is on from morn till night, never gets hot either...

man i`d be pissing myself if i had to keep the res sorted by eye, thats why i`m staying in soil, that and i`m too lazy....