What Can I Get Away With????


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I was wondering which deficiencies a plant can have while still ending up with bud in the end. which deficiencies should be ignored, IF ANY, and which should be taken care of?:confused:


Well-Known Member
Could be wrong but I assume that if the plant get deficiencies, the plant will use it's energy to attempt to keep itself healthy, thus resulting in less energy put into the buds.

You wouldn't want to ignore any deficiencies if you want the best.


Well-Known Member
Could be wrong but I assume that if the plant get deficiencies, the plant will use it's energy to attempt to keep itself healthy, thus resulting in less energy put into the buds.

You wouldn't want to ignore any deficiencies if you want the best.
it seems that way to me to. thanks.


Well-Known Member
if you dont have to ignore them then why would you. a simple feeding schedule will prevent most deficiencies and if you dont have the right things then its just a matter of getting them and solving the problem. personally, dont half ass your grow if you want good bud.