Rockwol Germination


Well-Known Member
man, I do autos the same way, it will slow their growth for a few days, but then they will go into beast mode. It has not affected my yield or growth in the long run, once they got past the stress mode after just a few days, they went absolutely crazy. I have a somango that is about have way through flower and a complete monster. I would show pics, but I don't know how to post them safely and anonymously.
How exactly do you do that ? Can u explain step by step ?


Well-Known Member
You are getting bad advice from everyone. Check out the grodan101 link I sent you. I promise you'll have success. If they are breaking through leave them under 24/0 until you see 10+ roots coming from the bottom. Then transplant to dwc. Keep it low in the net pot so the roots ddon't have far to go to start getting big!


all I was saying was that i start everything, no matter from seed, clones, whatever in soil. once they get established, I gently(emphasize gently) transplant them either into soil or hydro, depending on how I am going to that particular plant. I have never really noticed any stress when transplanting into soil(larger pot), but they do take a few days to get back to normal when they are transferred to hydro. It does not matter if they are photoperiods or autos, they have all reacted the same, the only problem I have ever seen when transplanting autos is if you let them go to long before transfer, as it gets tricky to not harm the roots if the mass gets to large.
I don't know about the bad advice comment, atleast for what I have said, because this is tried and proved first hand experience and it has always worked for me. I know that sometimes people will read bad info in one thread and then try to advise people to use whatever method without first trying it themselves, that is bad advice.
Ps-if you would like to know anymore about my method, feel free to IM me, love to help.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I was giving bad advice to look at the sprout instead of throwing the whole deal away. My first grow the cubes dried out as I had to go out of town and I was fine but I had to take a peek.

Starting by putting the seed into dirt or a paper towel is a good way to break off the tap root. Starting in rockwool really is a good way to go. I am going to try Rapid Rooters next time.

If you are going to be using DWC you need to read this

then read it again


I was giving bad advice to look at the sprout instead of throwing the whole deal away. My first grow the cubes dried out as I had to go out of town and I was fine but I had to take a peek.

Starting by putting the seed into dirt or a paper towel is a good way to break off the tap root. Starting in rockwool really is a good way to go. I am going to try Rapid Rooters next time.

If you are going to be using DWC you need to read this

then read it again
Definately some good reading, I think the key to the whole thing is being gentle with them no matter how you are doing them. I have seen tons of different ways to do the same process, everyone just has to find the best way that works for them. I have no luck with rockwool, but I just don't have the knack for it, others use it with no problems. I hope you don't think my comment about bad advice was directed toward you, I was just saying that people tell people to do some crazy stuff on here just because they read it somewhere on here and took it and set in stone. It's the internet, some people that come on here don't even grow, they just got bored tweeting and decided to play expert on a website, lol. Hell, I went on a dating site and had a 14" pecker, party nonstop all the time, have no responsibility, and am build like arnold, lol. Nah man, really wasn't aiming that comment at anyone.


Well-Known Member
To my surprise, btw all good advise everyone has there way of doing it and it working for them, I take all info and try my best to see with one works for me. But to my surprise I did take look at them this morning all head poked out and tap root was visible at bottom of rockwol so I Immediately transferred to dwc and just waiting for first set of leaves now ������ will how a pic when I get back from work


Well-Known Member
You might have transfered too soon. You need good root system first. And if you have hps it's too powerful right now for that seedling.


Well-Known Member
No hps all LEDs. But the tap root was all ready showing at the bottom of the rockwol. I didn't set it in The water just on top of hydrogen stones. I was thinking as it grow tap root will it res maybe in like 5 days. So we will just have to wait and see also just wanted to say I have root simulator in dwc and LEDs are 32" away from canopy. So hopefully not to powerful


Well-Known Member
Well we play the waiting game they seem like they are adjusting pretty good but don't truly know. That was a vey good read and I will read it again to get that knowledge. If anyone was just wondering I think I should have said this earlier but I was kinda following this: And just putting my own little spin on it from reading other dwc journals. Check in two days I will post pic of how they looking and most likely make this my first grow journal. Btw this is road runner autos by dinafem seeds. Wish me luck here so now pics



Well-Known Member
Well we play the waiting game they seem like they are adjusting pretty good but don't truly know. That was a vey good read and I will read it again to get that knowledge. If anyone was just wondering I think I should have said this earlier but I was kinda following this: And just putting my own little spin on it from reading other dwc journals. Check in two days I will post pic of how they looking and most likely make this my first grow journal. Btw this is road runner autos by dinafem seeds. Wish me luck here so now pics
Looks pretty good. I'm not saying you won't have success, and so far you are and i'm continuing to root for you(pun intended). I only suggest multiple roots for a better chance of survival. Having only one root means only one way to uptake nutes.

When I was new I couldn't wait to transplant either, and only one of my 2 made it. The one with more roots. Lol but anyways it looks good, and the root enhancer will be nice! You'll have lots of roots.

Are you in 5gl?


Well-Known Member
Ya in 5gal ya I'm giving it it mad root enhancer. It is looking good so far just waitin till that root hit the Rez.


Well-Known Member
1 week update all plant tap root have hit the Rez hopping for more to come I just have them there first dose is nuts today about 1/2 strength 600 ppm here is so quick pics. It is crazy bc there is no stretching at all sometimes I do think I have to much light intensity but I say the more the better also light are now on 20/4 cycle no more 24/7 will be dateing bi weekly so can see change but if there is like big change I will update. So far so good ^_^

o ya something I forgot to say or add. I think everyone already know I am running 3 200 watt LEDs 36" away from canopy temp under is about 81 82 drop down to 75 at night. Water temp is high around 77 I want to drop it I tried is ice around to outside of bucket but ya didn't last very long so I say f it. As u know dwc is supercharged in my opinion pondmaster ap 100 air pump for aireation (10,000 gallon pump) on 7 buckets all with 5" air disc. All buckets have Dutch master gold zone protected which is suppose to kill the bad microorganism idk but they say if u don't have a chiller use it. Hopefully after this grow I can invest in one and connect all buckets ^_^ . Also all buckets have rapid start root we need more roots !!!! I think that is everything opinions need let me hear from y'all!?!?

