medicinal marijuana


Active Member
does anyone know if you have to be a certain age to get prescribed to medical marijuana?

also if you are diagnosed withh add and adhd can you not get prescribed to medical mary jane because of it:joint:

i have a grow of mountain mist and i am new here and will make a journal soon

thanks for the help


Active Member
what state are you in?

you have to be 18, but under certain circumstances you can get it at a younger age.

And I hope you're not under the impression that you get free marijuana.


Active Member
ok well i am moving to colorado soon
and no im not under the impression that you get free pot if it was free i would be all over it


Active Member
well i am wondering because my brother is 14 and he gets really bad migraines and he cant take pills it makes him throw up
so i was wondering if they would let him prescribe to maryjane in colorado

sorry for posting in the wrong section i didnt realize there was a whole thing fdor medical marijuana
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Well-Known Member
yeah... your "brother"!! I smell a minor in the air!!
anyways, pretty sure you gotta be 18 but maybe with parental consent they might prescribe it. although every time a doctor prescribes MMJ to a patient he takes a risk.

additionally, it depends what state you live in as to what you can get MMJ for. You can do a simple google search of your state to find out what those conditions include.


Well-Known Member
Why don't you go ask a qualified doctor if Medical Marijuana is the right thing for him. Thats the best advice I can give.

P.S: Medical Marijuana works very effectively for ADD/ADHD. I my self can vouch for that.


Active Member
ok thanks for the help everyone

the reason he hasnt gone to the doctor and asked is because he is waiting uuntil we move to colorado because we dont live theere yet