reverse hermie- unidentifiable pre flowers? Opinion


Howdy Howdy lol
I thought i'd share this, see if anyone has experienced the same. I've heard of female hermie to male, and read about the reverse, showing male and having female parts-

I just threw my current grow into 12/12 lighting about a week ago, they were showing pre flowers on some- and 2 for sure were male if trying to ID by pre flower. Seeing crab claws and what appears to be the ball, definitely not the pointed topped tear shaped female part. Well.. a few days into 12/12 one of the plants showed female parts at the top! I was so confused and shocked, I pretty much posted something on a forum discussing not throwing out males just based on preflower- because obviously they aren't 100% ID based on preflower alone (I've photos if needed)

Well yesterday, I was outside (i'd moved the males outside to let them further develop to take photo's of the balls) and at the top of another "male" plant.. theres pistils... The lower preflowers all have the crab claw.. anyone else experienced this conundrum- I'm pretty good and IDing females, these were males lol- ..and now female!

I can post pics if interested. Thanks again!


Active Member
Howdy Howdy lol
I thought i'd share this, see if anyone has experienced the same. I've heard of female hermie to male, and read about the reverse, showing male and having female parts-

I just threw my current grow into 12/12 lighting about a week ago, they were showing pre flowers on some- and 2 for sure were male if trying to ID by pre flower. Seeing crab claws and what appears to be the ball, definitely not the pointed topped tear shaped female part. Well.. a few days into 12/12 one of the plants showed female parts at the top! I was so confused and shocked, I pretty much posted something on a forum discussing not throwing out males just based on preflower- because obviously they aren't 100% ID based on preflower alone (I've photos if needed)

Well yesterday, I was outside (i'd moved the males outside to let them further develop to take photo's of the balls) and at the top of another "male" plant.. theres pistils... The lower preflowers all have the crab claw.. anyone else experienced this conundrum- I'm pretty good and IDing females, these were males lol- ..and now female!

I can post pics if interested. Thanks again!
if you buy feminised seeds (originally cross bred in a laboratory petri dish by the breeders) and stress them to hell they can grow male and female pistils but if you correct the stress problem the plant will grow accordingly maybe a bit slow with a low yield and a couple of seeds but will definitely grow buds and even big buds.
i know because it has happened to me.
female seeds on the other hand will turn male.
but that is my opinion based on experience,
someone else may have experienced something different.


Whats up Wee, thanks for the info! yeah i'm aware that stress will cause the fem plants to hermie and have both parts, this issue with these plants is- they started showing male, balls, sticks, crab claws, and then a week into 12/12 they started showing me the hairs, the one pistillate I see at the top, just noticed there were possible 3 pistils lol. This one and actually all the recent crop weren't ever stressed, everything with these guys have been great, and I saw the male preflowers and removed them.. just to see female a few days later lol. I can show pics if u wana see


here is an update, I see I never posted the original pictures so ill include some too. but this was a male sexed plant (preflowers) which turned fem, and now some of the "balls" have hairs coming out. anyone seen this before. One of plants too is looking like its 50/50 fem/male. any opinions? The last 2 pics are from a week or so ago, the lower node showing male, then female appeared, now ball with pistil.



Active Member
Obviously, you are growing drag queens :eyesmoke:

Seriously though, I've seen the seed sack shaped things with pistils before, they could very well be healthy ladies. (with males the balls are flowers)
I think its form the genetics of the strain.

I could be wrong ofc, but I have seen similair before, certain female plants simply have that.
If possible, keep them mobile and wait out what the balls turn out to be, either filled with more pistils, or actual male flowers.