Dirrtyd's 2013 Outdoor Grow


Well-Known Member
your garden's looking real nice! next time I'm in the area you'll have to show me your garden.
Thanks Woot of course sounds good. I may need a favor from you this week.

Looks good dirrtyd. Man you grow a bunch of herbs ! way to go you must like to cook.And your boxs are about the same size as mine. cool! you got the green thumb bro !
Thanks Nuggs yes I like to cook alot. Mine are actually smaller they are only 4x4. I try to grow a little of everything so if they do come not only growing bud. Plus nothing like from the garden to the stove. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Seem like they have less than when I went on Friday. I guess folks are loading up on trays right about now. Well I gave the ladies a good bath with Azamax this morning. The reveg plants is looking good right now great growth. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
TWS come on up and get you some. Replanted some Basil today garden looking good. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
The pics are of a seedling and three dispensary clones. The clones went outside in the greenhouse as soon as they got home. I wish some of these folks on here would learn from experience. With the waxing moon I have never had a issue of clones flowering. Sorry for the dupes keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Get it! :D I am finally done with all my seedlings. If they sack up they are getting pulled but I got beans as backups and plan on taking some clones throughout the season and at the end to get the indoor ramped back up. :)


Well-Known Member
All of this wind is helping alot. The stalks should be good and strong this year. Not seeing too much leaning on the plants when the gusts come through the back. Looks like the purple diesel will be the biggest so far. Cant wait to take pictures of her in two weeks too compare. Then I will know if it will be a banner year. Cause I will go back and compare last years pics and it was a good year. keepem green dirrtyd


Well-Known Member
Ha, I was thinking the same thing though I stake the weaker plants so the can't move more than 1" in either direction about 3" up the plant.