Well the Boston garden is to my immediate left, coming out of the big dig... That's where the bruins will win game 4.. ( I'm supposed to say that having been born in Boston but I think it will go to game seven because this more $$$$$ for everyone involved.)

Go Wings! :bigjoint:
LOL, my son I have to admit is a lot more responsible with drugs and alcohol than I was at his age, but my daughter doesn't even drink, (Whew!), and thanks to her mother, I didn't even have to give the aspirin between the knees talk, she knows what happens.
After we split up, her mother had 3 more BF's and with the last, 3 kids before they finally got the boy the guy wanted.View attachment 2666719
All within a 4 year period.:clap:

Wow that's bad man :shock: me and my ex get along...sorta...for the kids, and she's fixed :clap: and so am I :hump: and my kids drink a little and smoke a little, but thank God they didn't follow in there dads footsteps...my daughter was born, I got to spend 2 months w/her before I went a did 5 on a 15 peice...my boys were born and I spent 7 years w/them and went a did a 4 peice, I maxed that out...all over that meth shit... :fire:IT'S SOME EVIL NASTY SHIT :fire: well and my bad attitude :finger:, but I've chilled and I've been lucky to have parents that left their only living child (me) an inheritance and a stock portfolio...that's why I'm semi retired, I have a monthly annuity of 5,000, and believe me it don't go far w/3 kids and a grandson...lol...that's why I still work as a network admin for a medical testing facility that does blood work, and pee tests, and some other really interesting stuff..said no one ever...but that's me now, just a boring old guy growin some weed :clap:
Wow that's bad man :shock: me and my ex get along...sorta...for the kids, and she's fixed :clap: and so am I :hump: and my kids drink a little and smoke a little, but thank God they didn't follow in there dads footsteps...my daughter was born, I got to spend 2 months w/her before I went a did 5 on a 15 peice...my boys were born and I spent 7 years w/them and went a did a 4 peice, I maxed that out...all over that meth shit... :fire:IT'S SOME EVIL NASTY SHIT :fire: well and my bad attitude :finger:, but I've chilled and I've been lucky to have parents that left their only living child (me) an inheritance and a stock portfolio...that's why I'm semi retired, I have a monthly annuity of 5,000, and believe me it don't go far w/3 kids and a grandson...lol...that's why I still work as a network admin for a medical testing facility that does blood work, and pee tests, and some other really interesting stuff..said no one ever...but that's me now, just a boring old guy growin some weed :clap:
LOL, "Fixed"........
When my son mentioned something about his G-ma one day and where she was, I told him she had to go take his mother home from the doc because she was getting "Fixed" that day.:clap:
BTW, that was only like last year and half or so.....:bigjoint: