La dispensaries


Active Member
When will the verdict be in on the measures on the ballot on marijuana dispensaries? Whether they're going to closed them or not.....


Active Member
No I don't live in la county. Buy I go to the dispensaries frequently.. Was just wondering how the prices would be affected if they got shut down.. Garden grove in Orange County ahut down all there dispensaries I believe... Just wondering


Well-Known Member
When will the verdict be in on the measures on the ballot on marijuana dispensaries? Whether they're going to closed them or not.....
You fools deserve what you get, and crying about the results will fall on deaf ears. :neutral:I wouldn't blame the city council if they threw MMJ dispensaries OUT of L.A. altogether. Three dispensary bills were on the mayoral election ballot last night and less than 19% of you voted. That is 19% of REGISTERED voters, not total eligible voters, but those who took the time to actually register to vote. GROW UP!:cuss: Quit whining about what is happening and get PROACTIVE! Not for your face but for your medication. If you all just sit on your butts and do nothing, something Californians are good at, then the whole place is going to continue to go to hell with Jerry at the wheel! I WAS thinking of moving back but not now. You get what you deserve, and the rest of America isn't far behind.


Well-Known Member
Once they start closing the dispensaries, will they go after the delivery services? My guess, probably not because deliveries are less visible than a storefront. There are areas that have zero dispensaries but you can still get a delivery. Patients might want to think about forming grower co-ops.


Well-Known Member
Once they shut the dispensaries own who is next on the radar for the cops/prohibitionists? Delivery services. Watch. Being successful at shutting down the dispensaries is just going to embolden the anti-cannabis forces. The growers have a certain level of protection if they're in limits -- delivery services are the easiest target the only difference between them and a dispensary is a storefront. The storefront was never the issue, just the thing that made them the visible target. They will use the same arguments such as diversion and profiteering - and in some cases they will be right.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
less than 19% of you voted. That is 19% of REGISTERED voters, not total eligible voters, but those who took the time to actually register to vote.
Wow, didn't know it was that bad, it explains the big loss. There should be a minimum turnout threshold for ballot initiatives that effect everyone.


Well-Known Member
If you won't play the game you shouldn't complain.
You bitches in So Cal are just making it easier for them to take it away from us all :(!!!


Well-Known Member
It was not an ALL SO CAL vote. It was LA only. So I couldn't have voted for it if I tried.

And EVERY FUCKING American has the absolute right to bitch regardless of whether or not they voted. Putting restrictions on free speech? The old "if you don't vote you can't complain" attitude is UNAMERICAN. We do not put limits or conditions on peoples ability to speak out against their government. It is one of the frikkin hallmarks of the American system! Or did you all miss that in school? (One of my pet peeves. Rant rant rant!) Complaining, as you call it is what people do. We talk about things that affect us. What would you like people to do? Sit back and accept injustices quietly?

"They" are going to take what they want regardless. You think a few little measures is going to stop a government? And drtsrfr.. I am not here to watch your back. I watch mine and those of the people I care about. I don't even know you.

Hell, I for one welcome the return of the absolute black market. Elbows were 4k back then, and I still have all my connections.


Well-Known Member
If you don't vote the people that do get heard from the Government turns to the squeeky wheel and oils same, the ones that live in a closet
and hide instead og making noise won't


Well-Known Member
Oh believe me, I am all for apathy. But there are two reasons I actually vote... 1) Far too many people have suffered, died, and been tortured right here at home, in this country, so every citizen can have a right to vote. 2) Voter numbers count. One of the reasons politicians do not fear the populace is because they KNOW that no matter what we all say, only 20% of us will actually go vote. And most of them will vote along party lines. The more people vote, the more they have to fear the voter.

Otherwise I think our system is a sham set up to benefit the extremely wealthy who are of the appropriate race. But that's just my opinion.


Active Member
So do you guys think the 135 shops that are allowed to stay open are going to raise their prices like crazy? Oz prices are pretty crazy as it is already in most shops.....

El Tiberon

Active Member
Voting is not a right, it is a privilege. The first 10 amendments are "rights". Everything else can be taken from you.