Personal DWC Medical Grow - 600's, Perpetual - Multi-Strain


Well-Known Member
Also here's an update on the two plants in the flower room, AMS on the left (under the metal halide) and Cluster Bomb on the right under the HPS. I should really be alternating these lamps so they both get a little of each but I am lazy and they seem to be doing fine. I guess each one is getting a little bit of the other's light but I'm not too worried about it at this point.



Well-Known Member
You have some damn nice space to work with mate!. My production runs I consider cramped and I have 6 - 4x4x6.5 tents for flower/seeding and another for veg. Not to mention the 2 - 2x2x6 cabinets that`re being set-up for seed production only, haha. I could probably do all that with a set-up your size. Looking forward to your progress mate, feel free to PM if you want some tricks to keeping that perpetual alive and varied :)

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have a decent amount of space, it's actually only a little under 8x8 and those two plants are filling quite a lot of the space I'm going to have to spread my lights out a lot when I start getting a couple more plants in here, my clones are hardly even rooted yet so I got some time to figure that all out. I might just have to throw a 3rd light in here but I have a very small air conditioner that might not agree with that lol.


Well-Known Member
Looking great Doc! Love the bushiness of that AMS she is a shrub. For that matter so is the CB. Nice and even growth so far.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, they look so much bigger in person for some reason the photos do no justice. I mean, they're not huge or anything but they're definitely pretty nice looking for just being a pair of plants... I put my side lighting up too high though I expected to grow everything at least 12 inches taller but I suppose I tied them down a little too well and close to my bucket lid because I think they're about done stretching now. Maybe they'll stretch for another week (I kind of want them to).


Well-Known Member
A couple of c-hooks and some small link chain will give you a cheap and easy method of keeping your lights at optimal level. I start mine out as close as possible then usually raise them up by 60-100% last 2 weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
A couple of c-hooks and some small link chain will give you a cheap and easy method of keeping your lights at optimal level. I start mine out as close as possible then usually raise them up by 60-100% last 2 weeks of flowering.
And I`ve seen the results of this ... I`d trust him Gribs :D

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
They're actually suspended by chains but I keep it really tight because otherwise they don't stick at the exact angle I want and sorta point down (the hooks attach to the top since they're supposed to be hung above) I should lower them a bit though because they're kind of pointless where they are. I might adjust the chains a bit, the chains are attached to hooks driven into the framing but hung up as snug as possible. Maybe I'll go play with them when I get bored in a little while and get them where they should be.


Well-Known Member
Keep them as close as you can, and if possible have a fan blowing between the canopy and the light. Just monitor them close and make small adjustments up or down till you find that "goldilocks" zone.


Well-Known Member
Finally starting to see some amber trichomes under the scope... not very many but definitely a few are starting to turn, the end is approaching! for SSCS anyway.


Well-Known Member
Driving myself nuts trying to determine if I want to switch the Metal Halide (It's only been over the maturing plant since yesterday) back to my HPS for the finaly week or two of flower, I have the UV Reptile lights going regardless of what HID I use. I always thought I liked the idea of Metal Halide at the end but not sure if I am going to diminish any swelling during the final stretch now - everyone has a different outlook on this. More than likely probably turn off my ballast and after it cools for a while switch back to the HPS but still really not sure if I want to.

Ahhhh decisions, decisions...


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I am getting eager to finish this Auto and finally get to have a taste, still feeding full nutes but thinking it may be a good time to start considering a flush... although it's such a debatable subject I figure since I am growing with non-organics I should probably do it for a week just to be on the safe side. I was planning on letting this plant go ~75 Days but keep checking the trichomes daily... just subtle hints of ambers.

Have you grown Supersonic before now? When did you harvest it?


Well-Known Member
Welp... without really knowing for sure if I am going about this correctly I drained my bucket, replaced with water and added 10ml/gallon FloraNectar sweetener. Solution is @ 225ppm 5.8ph and I guess unless someone pops in here and tells me to do something else I'll run this until water level gets low again and either replace with the same solution for another fill up or go to straight water and/ possibly Florakleen then when it runs out again go straight water with nothing else til the end... unless adding the sweetener wouldn't hurt, it's only 5% molasses and I'm not even sure if I should use this at the end or not.


Well-Known Member
I'd go ahead and use it I heard molasses is pretty harmless so you can flush with it so I think you'll be ok.
nice grow and that auto is going off I just started some northern lights auto I can only hope they do that well ha.


Well-Known Member
Stick with the FloraNector straight Dribs. Works best in the flush scenario when there is little else or nothing in the mixture alongside. Your formula sounds bang on to me above. Keep it up,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I think I will do that, I still might run a single fill up or just for a few hours even w/ Florakleen somewhere throughout this flush (not final days) just once to clean up the root mass but wasn't planning on using it for any lengthy duration. I figured my absolute last refill would be just straight water but will keep running the sweetener as long as possible. It usually takes about 2 days for my plant to drink up all but a couple inches of the solution so I figure I'll be filling it up 3-4 more times at least before harvest.

I did use Florakleen less than a week ago for a couple hours before I introduced the Dry KoolBloom (which I only ran for 2-3 days on a single fill up) was going to run it for 1 more fill up but now I am thinking I should just lay off the feeding as I'd rather compromise a few percentage points on yield than compromise any taste and aroma.


Well-Known Member
I leave my sweetners running right up until the final 48-72 hours of flower (at which time the plant has no light and gets a straight 0ppm flush). No harm, no foul,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
Planning ahead here, I am going to make damn sure my hang dry takes a long time on this plant because I dried 7 plants last November and my humidity was 30% I did the best I could to keep it higher in my tent but failed pretty hard they ended up being way too dry at around 3 days and no amount of curing could bring them back. I want it to take at minimum 7 days this time so am considering hanging the entire plant or taking the individual large sections and hanging with the fan leaves left on.

It's coming up on summer though so I might already have 50-60% humidity by the time I pull this down, I don't even know where I am going to hang them I used my tent last time but it's since become a veg tent so that's no longer an option haha.