Too Old for Clubbing?


Well-Known Member
I know the saying goes, "you're as old as you feel", but last weekend I felt old! I'm almost 30 and went with some friends of mine to a club this past weekend. I havent been in awhile and WOW everyone is so young!

My buddy is still single and tells me this is the perfect time because young girls are dumb yada yada, but he ended up spending over $100 on drinks for this girl and she never went home with him.

I dont know, but what do you guys think?


Active Member
I'm almost 37. I could pass for 25 tho. And give up on the clubs. Better off going to dive bars. No cover, cheaper drinks and the girls buy guys booze.


Well-Known Member
Are you too old for clubing? Yes, yes you are.

Go home, strip to ur oversized y's & start thinking about your lawn. For god sake man, grow up :)


Well-Known Member
Good to know I don't feel alone.

I did see a couple of really old guys(40-50) it wasn't that they were doing anything wrong, but they looked creepy and out of place.


Well-Known Member
Good to know I don't feel alone.

I did see a couple of really old guys(40-50) it wasn't that they were doing anything wrong, but they looked creepy and out of place.
Try the gay scene dude. 30! You would be a young pup. Oh and we definetly got creepy

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i never got into the clubbing thing. to me, going someplace with ear piercing shitty remixed music, strobe lights, overpriced drinks and a cover/dress code is just a waste of a perfectly good night. i'd rather sit at a bar in a t shirt and watch a ball game and chat up some drunks in an environment that allows for conversation. i hated clubs when i was 21 and i hate them now. nothing is worse than enjoying yourself at a perfectly good party and then some wasted bimbo cries "omg lets go to the club yay!" like there's no having fun otherwise. bitch i'm in a stained t shirt and i'm already having a good time and now you want to break up the party by dragging half the people off to the club. i wasn't aware this was a pregame.

i don't know about being too old if that's your thing, i just don't understand the appeal in the first place.


Well-Known Member
Good to know I don't feel alone.

I did see a couple of really old guys(40-50) it wasn't that they were doing anything wrong, but they looked creepy and out of place.
W T F...!
yeah we saw your ass there we said the same thing about you.......but we didnt go home alone..!
Really old my ass....
You need a better game player!


Well-Known Member
30 is the best age for a man if you take care of yourself. You can pull a 22 year old and the next night bag a cougar. I never liked the club scene myself, though about a month ago I went to see Galactic at a smaller venue and asked my buddy who let in all the kids. He replied "they're looking at us thinking who let in the old dudes."


Well-Known Member
41 here,last time I got dragged into a clubby place I felt horribly out of place! Damn good looking women tho!and nice butts! Felt like a pedophile cause they all look so young...yup,getting older sucks!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
41 here,last time I got dragged into a clubby place I felt horribly out of place! Damn good looking women tho!and nice butts! Felt like a pedophile cause they all look so young...yup,getting older sucks!:bigjoint:
I'm not even 30 yet and I felt the same way.