clones vs seeds. whats better to start from?

i have been buying seeds for years and starting my garden from that. i have a friend in colorado that told me that clones are the way to go but i dont see the difference if its the same strain from clone or seed. i do understand different pheno's but why not start from seed? ANY INFO WOULD HELP MY FUTURE GARDENS


Well-Known Member
Clones are 100% female... is the obvious answer...
Fem seeds? IDK anything...
If you start with a type of plant you like, smell, taste, easy to grow, short bud time... then grow a seed from it...
Then clone the fukk out of it to keep it going...
I started with seeds.
From the seeds, I grew plants, which I grew a mother, and now I am cloning her great great grand children...clones of clones...
Forever, and ever....
Good Luck!


Active Member
Clones are much better than to cultivate the whole plant. They have a more manageable size and you can control better the pests. I was always growing plants from seeds until last season I tried a couple of clones. They performed much better than the whole plants and I think they yielded much heavier. Try it.

Blazin Purps

Well-Known Member
Clones also typically finish faster than a plant started from seed, I grow out a lot of seeds to find my mothers and just grow the clones but hopefully if your buying clones someone has already done the pheno hunting for you and the clone your getting should be from a good pheno. So if you have easy access to clones and they are strains you are happy with I would totally grow from clone if I were you.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Obviously the trick is to find a seed that grows a plant worth keeping the clones.

Start from seed, vegitate for 20-30 days. Flip to 12/12 and wait 14 days. Take clones from your plants. Keep the plants and clones that are female, discard males.

continue to flower your plants, and veg your clones for the next 45-55days.

once your flowers are ready for harvest you can put your clones into flower, but this time take your clone from your choice plant to keep the genetics alive. Let lesser plant genetics die out and start some more seeds.

and so the cycle goes...

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
Or go to your dispencery and sample the buds they have clones for and take home your favorites for instant gratification.


Well-Known Member
If you have the ability to get

a. Pest free clones that are
b. From truly great mother plants
c. Of lines that you're otherwise interested in growing

Then clones are by far the way to go, because you know that if you do your part, the results will be great. This is why where they are available, clones are the preferred way to start.

Of course its possible to get great results from ceed too, but it takes a few weeks longer to get the plant out of seedling stage, you may have to sex the plant, and you may have to deal with varying phenotypes, not all of which are stellar.

Advantages of ceed?

-Greater variety of ceeds available, including autoflower plants, and plants that generally aren't readily available as clones (eg interesting landraces, etc)
-Ceeds are in "suspended animation", so to speak. They don't take up much room, will stay viable for several years, and require no attention or maintenance until you're ready to plant them.


Well-Known Member
Growing from seed is my preference.

When growing from clone you have to hope that whoever you got it from knows what "quality" actually is.... Not to mention clones can come with pests and diseases that can destroy your garden.

Pheno Hunting does take time but well worth it in my opinion to find something unique and yours!

Good luck on your future grows


Well-Known Member
+1 Clones :weed: Simply faster, easier and can duplicate a great mother instead of rolling the dice again with a seed.
thanks everyone for the input, i have fem seeds and reg's i was curious cause i was told not to buy seeds cause it takes like 15-20 seeds to find one worth growing.. i dont believe that... but say if you start a blueberryxskunk plant from seed or clone the only real difference would be veg time.. i dont know just thought seed would be better cause you get to have your pick of what you think is the best and clone it then go from there. i also understand the clone thing if you can find a awesome pheno then maybe seed one of the clones out for future stock. just my opinion.... THANKS EVERYONE


Well-Known Member
Clones are the way to go. There is too much variation of growth and quality between seed plants , even in stable strains. Clones also seem a lot easier to train and shape into a nice even canopy. I use seeds to find keeper phenos but the majority of my grows are with clones.


Well-Known Member
ti was told not to buy seeds cause it takes like 15-20 seeds to find one worth growing.. i dont believe that...
It depends entirely on what the ceeds are.

With some "breeders" (using the term loosely) the ceeds in the pack are going to be unstable hybrids, and between a few non-viable ceeds, culling out the males and then selecting amongst the remaining females for good ones, it very well may take 15 or more to find a really good plant.

But with high quality inbred lines, even if the plants aren't entirely identical to one other from a pack, they should be similar and all good.
I like seeds, but it's easier to get bigger yield with clones. As well as not having to worry about the quality of your seed. So long as you know the clone you are growing...


I am the total opposite I have always grow from clones my whole life and am having a hard time growing with seeds, seems too long for me. Clones is the way to go but be careful if you get other stains to add to your garden. I mainly got mine through my friends, the only downside I see about clones is that you have to be vary careful who you get them from. You must always make sure they dont have any bugs etc, the last thing you want is something like spider mites getting into your garden.