How big should a marijuana plant be if its 3 weeks old?


New Member
This is my first time growing and i am growing a big bud which is now three weeks old. Does this look like i will get a good yield from it? IMAGE_315.jpg


Active Member least 2-3 ft tall.... if you're growing outdoor...even taller....
Big bud yields pretty well...not the most potent strain in the mix by any means though...

and top that sucker so you get more main cola!
read up on nutrients too!


Well-Known Member
Depends on method, light, nutrients, temp, r/h etc, root health and size, etc... pheno type too.


Well-Known Member
Absolutely no way to tell what kind of yield a plant in veg will end up with.

That is basically like seeing a snowflake fall from the sky and you tell us exactly how deep it will be 2 weeks later.


New Member
My plant is only 11 feet tall, but it is about 12 feet in circumference. It has 179 colas...
Hmmm, I wouldn't risk it until it was 12 feet tall with around 216 colas. Should yield at least an ounce this way. Bit of advice, top it at 11 feet, that will stop it getting too tall during stretch


Active Member
needs to be about 12 feet tall before flowering
12 feet? What the hell are u doing giving that garbage advice.. A plant can flower when it's ready as an auto or forced when its not an auto at almost any point, vegging longer makes for a larger yield. I do hope u meant inches


Active Member
Absolutely no way to tell what kind of yield a plant in veg will end up with.

That is basically like seeing a snowflake fall from the sky and you tell us exactly how deep it will be 2 weeks later.
What he said and the yield will be bass on how u grow the plant and hhow happy u make it


Active Member
you have must off goten a lot of yelds off that big plant
Critical I really hope ur displaying some of that famous sarcasm lol because I don't see this happening I forget what the worlds larger plant was, something like 16 feet and 12 feet is rally close to that. I don't see a simple minded grower producing that kinda plant


Well-Known Member
12 feet? What the hell are u doing giving that garbage advice.. A plant can flower when it's ready as an auto or forced when its not an auto at almost any point, vegging longer makes for a larger yield. I do hope u meant inches
Pottie he was being sarastic with that statement as well. People were just messing with him because it was a kinda silly question.