How big should a marijuana plant be if its 3 weeks old?


New Member
i am using soil under a 400 watt lamp and the temp is around 24-25 degrees and i am doing 24 hours of light! the roots go all the way to the bottom of the pot which is about 25cm tall. and the roots come out from every side


Well-Known Member
I forgot... its been a while since ive grown from seed. Clones have dominated my area. so i would say, as big as you cut your clone, with a little more growth on top? lmao. sorry man.


Well-Known Member
Its outdoor. I know some one who has one plant 2 or 3 times that size. Last year they pulled 9lbs off one plant. It was taller than the house and as wide as their living room.. I have no idea the actual feet. It was a big Bitch. Anyway it's very possible with outdoor. Indoor no way . That would just be stupid. No light can penetrate enough except for the sun.


Active Member
Its outdoor. I know some one who has one plant 2 or 3 times that size. Last year they pulled 9lbs off one plant. It was taller than the house and as wide as their living room.. I have no idea the actual feet. It was a big Bitch. Anyway it's very possible with outdoor. Indoor no way . That would just be stupid. No light can penetrate enough except for the sun.

Impossible indoor unless you have 30' ceilings and more watts that you can pay for. Very possbile outdoors, all you need is a big hole and lots of space.
pics or it didn't happen
I don't have any pics of the plant, but I do have some of your mother. It was a JOKE!

Hmmm, I wouldn't risk it until it was 12 feet tall with around 216 colas. Should yield at least an ounce this way. Bit of advice, top it at 11 feet, that will stop it getting too tall during stretch
Roger that! Operation Cola Expansion is in effect. I'm upping the nutes to 8 gallons of concentrates every other feeding. Shooting for an ounce of yield...

you have must off goten a lot of yelds off that big plant
Still in the ground bro. Hoping for an ounce of yield...

Critical I really hope ur displaying some of that famous sarcasm lol because I don't see this happening I forget what the worlds larger plant was, something like 16 feet and 12 feet is rally close to that. I don't see a simple minded grower producing that kinda plant
Who you callin' simple minded holmes? I've got two advanced degrees. One is a doctorate...

oh, I think he was just playin' man! :smile:

Pottie he was being sarastic with that statement as well. People were just messing with him because it was a kinda silly question.
I was just having a little fun at the OP's expense. No one can predict yield. To many variables and unknowns. I will grant the OP that his 3 week old plant looks great. Keep it up and you'll do just fine bongsmilie