how to cultivate and transport wild growing marijuana (pics)


New Member
So I found a TON of plants growing wild in our spare lot at our lakehouse in MI. I live in IL, and I want to know if there is a best way to get them from in the ground back home without disturbing them too much or causing too much stress. I have one test plant that i basically loosened the soil around the root area, and gently pulled straight up keeping the roots intact. I put it in a dixie cup, and covered it with the soil that it was growing in. Is it better to keep them in the original soil or go buy the good organic potting soil? (not doing hydroponics, want to keep it as basic as possible).
Anyways here's the pictures, and any thoughts, advice, tips, ect are much appreciated =)



Well-Known Member
yep what you got is true WEED, sorry brother but you wont even get charged with transport away..


Active Member
Transport them anyway. I am sure it would throw the cops for a loop when you get pulled over. Do it just to show them how dumb they really are.

P.S. Why did you decide to post your question here? This is the Advanced Section not the noooooooob section.

Mr. Anomaly

Active Member
"Ditch weed" as it is called is what is leftover from the old hemp crops of the US and they grew where you found them because of bird distribution, THC content is nil.


Well-Known Member
"Ditch weed" as it is called is what is leftover from the old hemp crops of the US and they grew where you found them because of bird distribution, THC content is nil.
You are just as wrong as he is. Hemp cannabis looks just like thc producing cannabis- this plant in question here doesn't even have a main stem! It's just petiole (the stalk of the leaf) coming straight out of the ground! (instead of out of a trunk and with lateral branches also coming out of this trunk).

The plant in the photo shares more in common with a strawberry plant than it does with cannabis- but that leaf shape is hilarious and certainly would snare a n000b lol