DNA's OG #18 x Skunk


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I was wondering if anyone has grown out and finished DNA's OG #18 x Skunk seeds? I am currently growing them, they are on day 6 of flowering. I had a pack of 13 regular seeds so I started them all and they all popped. I am using two different soils cause I want to see the difference, they seem to be finicky eaters. I never grew anything from DNA. Any info on them would be grateful. If you have pics of them or anything please post. Thanks all and keep them green!

DNA OG #18 x Skunk

Any feedback (negative or positive) will be helpful.




Well-Known Member
Nice and thanks for stopping in, please post pics of them if you got them! I love pics and what to hear all opinions on this strain.




Well-Known Member
skunk is more of a traditional bud structure and node spacing isn't it? that could really add to the OG18 experience without taking it too far from the original. damn I'm gonna order a pack of these. i never noticed them before and i think this could have some serious winners floating around its genome. OG18 winners are so skunky already i bet if you found the winner of this you would probably
wanna invest in a filter company, or at least try for a sponsorship lol!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I hope they are stinky as fuck that i need two filters. lol

So far they been flowering for a full week and I have 2 that are showing pistils and 3 showing balls. Maybe I will make some F2s, the rest are unknown still but some are leaning either way.




Well-Known Member
sorry bro don't have pics that was a while ago but trust me I think you will like it
Well its been 10 days of flowering and I have already threw away 3 males. At the same time I also have 2 females. 8 more still need to be sexed. I am mainly hoping for the best of both worlds with this strain, skunk and OG!

