Whats up with my retarded plant?


Active Member
Check this out...This little soldier was born with one true leaf.
This was from the 14th - 1 week old1wee.jpg1week.jpg This was 2 weeks on the 20th1w.jpg2013-05-20 17.05.47.jpg

It looked so puny and small so I was going to toss it but I left it and this is it now 29th2013-05-29 18.07.19.jpg2013-05-29 18.07.38.jpg2013-05-29 18.08.35.jpg2013-05-29 18.08.50.jpg
I know it is still pretty small height wise for its age but now it seems to be shooting leaves out of anywhere and there is no real node structure...What you guys think? Should I keep it and just see how it goes or is this plant going to be a little retarded fuck the will need constant attention and wont get anywhere in life?(real bad joke there)

On the real though has anyone encountered plants that start growing like this?


Well-Known Member
what strains? my seedlings were slow growers too. after i gave them some FFOF soil on top of their pot and watered, they took off and nearly doubled in size in a 7-10 days. im growing pineapple chunk (pineapple expressXskunkXcheese) and laughing budda.


Well-Known Member
I would keep growing it just to see what it does, and
probably start another just in case this one fails to produce.


Active Member
I would keep growing it just to see what it does, and
probably start another just in case this one fails to produce.
Yeh I have got another few going as well so its all good. I think I will keep it like you said just to see what it does...


Well-Known Member
yeah keep it man itll probaly turn out to be some weed that will make you retarded smoke one fatty of it and a short yellow bus will be outside your door blowing the horn lol


Active Member
Not too much or too little of anything, I had a plant born with one cotelydon and it grew to about where yours is but then stopped and died. It took it almost 2 months to get as big as yours though. It could pull through though mine did not


Well-Known Member
Mutant as mentioned...genetic fuckups like everywhere else in nature. You gotta weed out the bad the entire way. Don't get attached to a gimp because it will only lead to broken dreams.


Active Member
Yeh...I threw another 2 down when this fucker popped out just in case. Didnt have high hopes for him and everyone is just confirming it. I will keep him and see how it goes...


Well-Known Member
please elaborate!!!
I've had a couple of Mad Shack grow funny at the start, proper mutant freaks like your one (and the Sannies Jack I have now). The Mad Shack are sensitive to Cal/Mag for sure, so the problems I experienced early with them could well have been down to too much calcium.

For the record the plants grew out fine in flowering (if a little short and bushy for sat doms) and produced stronger weed than the normal plants.


Well-Known Member
One of the seeds I popped looks similar to that. It's been much slower to grow than the others and when I transplanted on the weekend I noticed the root structure looked just as awkward as the top. I'm personally going to grow it out because, well, why not...