Cheetahs Real Grow Journal

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. These early stages can be so frustrating. But since you have two growing tips at each node and then those tips will have nodes with two growing tips and their tips will have tips etc etc, the plants' growth keeps accelerating faster and faster. That plant will be three feet tall before you know it.


Well-Known Member
Looking good so far. These early stages can be so frustrating. But since you have two growing tips at each node and then those tips will have nodes with two growing tips and their tips will have tips etc etc, the plants' growth keeps accelerating faster and faster. That plant will be three feet tall before you know it.
btw man, there are new growth of branches in the beginnig of every set of leafs....i love indicas :D

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
btw man, there are new growth of branches in the beginnig of every set of leafs....i love indicas :D
Yeah, we're both saying the same thing. You just managed it in a lot less words. I like indicas too. But I like a good mix. Something for every mood. I'm gonna have one sativa strain, one indica, and one cross in my next grow. Should be great fun trying to keep an even canopy:roll:


Active Member
My eyes are now glued too this thread. :)

This dudes last plant was my inspiration on what got me interested in growing.

Lets hope you can do the same again, Only this time.. a better strain. :D