5 Strains for my first real grow and with cfl..OPINIONS WANTED PLEASE


Well-Known Member
What were the approx yield off of your 2.5 foot plants? im a daily smoker and am looking to grow 4-6 plants and be able to make it last from one crop to the next. i smoke 1.5-2 grams per day on a regular day, more if im in the mood for getting stoned lol. Tired of paying for it at 50-70$$ for 7 grams of kush or equiv.
Read Rockymtnman's post really carefully and take it to heart. By the time you go out and buy all the flourescent lighting you need to get anywhere near a decent grow you will have spent a lot more money and still have all the same heat issues.

If you are growing 6-7 plants, heh, matter of fact I will just stay out of this discussion...


Well-Known Member
What were the approx yield off of your 2.5 foot plants? im a daily smoker and am looking to grow 4-6 plants and be able to make it last from one crop to the next. i smoke 1.5-2 grams per day on a regular day, more if im in the mood for getting stoned lol. Tired of paying for it at 50-70$$ for 7 grams of kush or equiv.
lot of variety there, strain is the name of the yield game
nl#5 - 1 1/2 oz
PPP - good oz
brainwreck - oz, but hermie made seeds
cali-o - just under an oz
my F2's have mostly yielded a bit over a 1/2 oz, they just don't put out like the 'store' bought genetics
these grows were with 78w of cfl's, micro grows


Well-Known Member
Skill is 80% of the grow so yes almost anything "will work"; you can grow a plant with home depot grow bulbs. Doesn't mean you should..
You "should" if that's what you can afford and that's what's available to you. Specialized grow equipment is better, but not if you can't get or afford it!

Anyway, the poster started with the premise that he's using CFLs. I agree 100% those aren't the best for anything but very small grows, but since that's what he was asking about, that's how I answered.

Normal CFL will work, heck you can grow with baseball stadium lights; it's a similar idea to using Walmart grow lights. Your light is the fuel, if you buy nothing else for your grow put your money in lights. T5, HPS and MH only; please please please don't use normal HID.
Well, to be clear HID ("high intensity discharge") can refer to both metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps. The same light used to light your parking lot or warehouse can be used to grow plants, its just not quite optimized for that particular application. I agree that the biggest "bang for buck" investment is in lamp cost. But these are pretty cheap nowadays. You can buy a 250W magnetic ballast AND reflector AND bulb kit for under $150 now. If you've got the space, for a relatively modest cost, something like that will totally blow away any jury-rigged CFL system.

The T5 is the only one able to emit the correct light spectrum needed for proper growth.
With due respect, have you ever tried growing using CFLs or T8 bulbs? I've grown with all of these (MH, HPS, HO-T5s, T8s, CFLs, not to mention sun) and though they all have their own individual plusses and minuses, all of them can work.

In fact, going way back to the 1970s, before T5s or CFLs even existed, people have been growing indoors using standard T12 fluorescent bulbs. Hell, DJ short bred his famous "blueberry" strain under conventional fluorescent lights, IIRC.

Sure, there are some people who use specialized frequency/bulb lighting, but in fact most people who grow with T5s use the standard 2700K/3000K and/or 6400K bulbs. There is no "magic" to those bulbs; CFL bulbs are commonly available in the exact same spectra. Again, the main advantage of t5s is just that they're straight and easily reflectable to use the full output of the light. CFLs simply aren't designed to be used in that way.

Again, it comes down to what you're trying to do, what your budget is, and what your physical space limitations are.

My "bottom line" when it comes to CFLs is that they're fine for seedlings, vegging small plants, or taking maybe 1-2 SMALL plants through flower, but that's it. IMO, if you need more than 150W of CFL, you're really better off with HID lighting, or possibly T5/LED instead.


Well-Known Member
What were the approx yield off of your 2.5 foot plants? im a daily smoker and am looking to grow 4-6 plants and be able to make it last from one crop to the next. i smoke 1.5-2 grams per day on a regular day, more if im in the mood for getting stoned lol. Tired of paying for it at 50-70$$ for 7 grams of kush or equiv.
If you want to grow 4-6 plants forget about CFLs. CFLs are basically for 1-2 small plants. More than that and the inefficiency of these will bite you in the butt.

For really not that much money, get yourself a 250 or 400W HPS and you'll be MUCH MUCH happier.

Check my Williams wonder grow report below for what you can accomplish with 1/2 of a 250HPS in three months time if you do it right. This plant is only 27" high (that's your 2.5 feet) and yielded a full two ounces dried and trimmed tight.

If you're smoking say 3 g/day that's roughly 3 ounces a month. There are a lot of ways to get there, but I'd consider some sort of perpetual harvest system, if I were you.

If you figure an 8 week flower cycle, and you harvest and introduce a new plant every two weeks to yield 1.5-2 ounces, you'll be there pretty comfortably.


Well-Known Member
You "should" if that's what you can afford and that's what's available to you. Specialized grow equipment is better, but not if you can't get or afford it!

Anyway, the poster started with the premise that he's using CFLs. I agree 100% those aren't the best for anything but very small grows, but since that's what he was asking about, that's how I answered.

Well, to be clear HID ("high intensity discharge") can refer to both metal halide and high pressure sodium lamps. The same light used to light your parking lot or warehouse can be used to grow plants, its just not quite optimized for that particular application. I agree that the biggest "bang for buck" investment is in lamp cost. But these are pretty cheap nowadays. You can buy a 250W magnetic ballast AND reflector AND bulb kit for under $150 now. If you've got the space, for a relatively modest cost, something like that will totally blow away any jury-rigged CFL system.

With due respect, have you ever tried growing using CFLs or T8 bulbs? I've grown with all of these (MH, HPS, HO-T5s, T8s, CFLs, not to mention sun) and though they all have their own individual plusses and minuses, all of them can work.

In fact, going way back to the 1970s, before T5s or CFLs even existed, people have been growing indoors using standard T12 fluorescent bulbs. Hell, DJ short bred his famous "blueberry" strain under conventional fluorescent lights, IIRC.

Sure, there are some people who use specialized frequency/bulb lighting, but in fact most people who grow with T5s use the standard 2700K/3000K and/or 6400K bulbs. There is no "magic" to those bulbs; CFL bulbs are commonly available in the exact same spectra. Again, the main advantage of t5s is just that they're straight and easily reflectable to use the full output of the light. CFLs simply aren't designed to be used in that way.

Again, it comes down to what you're trying to do, what your budget is, and what your physical space limitations are.

My "bottom line" when it comes to CFLs is that they're fine for seedlings, vegging small plants, or taking maybe 1-2 SMALL plants through flower, but that's it. IMO, if you need more than 150W of CFL, you're really better off with HID lighting, or possibly T5/LED instead.
It seems we both are trying to get to the same place but neither will admit defeat. :lol:
Excuse the use of HID, it was not specific enough.

I have a sex box (Locked up male) that is lined with florescent's made for counter-tops. These are noway near suitable for the plant continuous growth but enough to sustain him.

So yes like we BOTH said, anything works but its in his best interest to start with a strong foundation. You and I know if he buys conventional bulbs he will be buying T5 or an HPS system within a few months.

Its a cool idea for science projects but not sufficient when creating art like good MMJ.

To be clear we're not at a disagreement "per-say". I just believe we shouldn't encourage sub-par tactics.



Well-Known Member
It seems we both are trying to get to the same place but neither will admit defeat. :lol:

To be clear we're not at a disagreement "per-say". I just believe we shouldn't encourage sub-par tactics.
Since this isn't a contest, I don't think anyone gets "defeated", though I do disagree with your earlier comment about spectrum and CFL lighting.

On tactics, those are always situational.

If you're trying to grow big plants in any number, or looking for real yield (ie many ounces at once) you should be using HID or sunlight, period. This guy probably is, which is why you, and I, and others are suggesting going to an HPS based lighting system. So there we agree.

Where we disagree is on utility of CFL.

If you're trying to grow 1-2 SMALL plants in an itty-bitty space, or start seedlings, or maintain mother plants, or just get SOMETHING going on a shoestring budget, CFLs are not only a perfectly rational and viable choice, they may be the BEST choice, not a "sub par" one.

Put it this way, with $50, some planning and work, you can construct a complete CFL based system that will take a single small plant from ceed to harvest. In fact, you can probably do it even cheaper than that. It may not be optimally efficient in terms of yield/watt, yield/unit space, or even yield/dollar cost, but short of using sunlight, for that BUDGET, I don't think there is any other way to do it.

Also, even if the CFL system itself isn't optimal, there is nothing wrong with making a limited investment of space and money on a small CFL-based system to get some experience, before committing a lot of money, space, and effort to an HID based system.


Well-Known Member
Well, like the guy said he wants to grow 6-7 plants so going CFL is just one big waste of money for him.
If he can't afford a HID light, he can't afford to grow 6-7 plants, period. He is wasting our time and his time by even asking about it.

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
To the OP, I would say that CFL's are perfectly respectable way to grow small personal plants in a limited space. If you are considering a grow tent of, what did you say, 4x6x6, then there is no way I would spend the money on CFLs. It will cost as much or more to get enough light to grow anything worth your efforts. Go to Amazon and google iPower. There are some cheap HID lights that would be a much better option for that kind of space.

I grow with CFL in a 1 foot deep, by 2 foot wide, by 2 1/2 foot tall space. I have 4x42 watts and 2x26 watts for 220 watts. I have 15 plants in a staggered perpetual grow with 3 in and 3 out every 2 weeks. I only average about 5 grams per plant, but this setup works for my space and allows me to grow multiple strains at once. And if you do the math, it comes out to about 4 1/2 ounces of primo smoke from a 1x2 space, but it's also only about 1/3 of a gram per watt. It's not very efficient, but it is effective if that's your only option.

My self-indulgent point is, cfls can be done very successfully, but their use is best for a small crammed space. If I had a 4x6 tent I would love to use a better lighting system and if I were you I would start out with a proper setup if you have the space. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add what other people are saying. going to see if l route seems like it will be cost efficient and won't generate heat but by the time you add all those lights and spend the money you would save time and money with an HPS. I went the route of trying to do an LED in CFL grow and then end up just simply throwing all that stuff into a bin and using HPS. I still use my t5 for vegging but that's about it. the growth and the output from the HP s is astounding in comparison. really would be wise to invest in HPS and proper ventilation it's totally worth it.


Well-Known Member
by the way I am using a tent grow. the heat from CFLs was greater than using HPS. and that was with ventilation


Well-Known Member
Ok. So i figure since i already have t-5's and like 15 CFL (even tho they arent all being used yet) ill probably do this grow with just the CFL and a 12w and 6w LED grow lite. I am going to order a hps/mh kit off of ebay for the next time, they are only about 200 bucks i thought they were more expensive than that. I would have just gone that that to begin with, but i like a challenge so ill do the cfl grow first. At least then ill have something to compare the hid to. I have started another thread for the 5 strain grow.... https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-fluorescent-lighting/661969-cfl-grow-domina-haze-liberty.html Check it out the seeds all sprouted within 24 hours, its been about 36 hours now since i started them. Posting pics later of their first homes in .5l pots.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
Ok. So i figure since i already have t-5's and like 15 CFL (even tho they arent all being used yet) ill probably do this grow with just the CFL and a 12w and 6w LED grow lite. I am going to order a hps/mh kit off of ebay for the next time, they are only about 200 bucks i thought they were more expensive than that. I would have just gone that that to begin with, but i like a challenge so ill do the cfl grow first. At least then ill have something to compare the hid to. I have started another thread for the 5 strain grow.... https://www.rollitup.org/cfl-fluorescent-lighting/661969-cfl-grow-domina-haze-liberty.html Check it out the seeds all sprouted within 24 hours, its been about 36 hours now since i started them. Posting pics later of their first homes in .5l pots.
Got for it. The process is an important part of the learning experience.