The Dawg
Well-Known Member
Ok My Led Hommies I Will Keep This Simple And Run This Compitition Just Like The Last 2 Previous Comp's.I Will Only Make 1 Rule Change.Which Will Be In The Light Catogory.I Will Allow Any light Sourse As Long As It Is Used From Start To Finish.Regestration Starts The 1st Of July With A Cut Off Date Of August 15.Peace And Happy Growing 
Yes Im Lazy And I Copyed And Pasted From Puffs Party Cup Grow Off
Party cups (16oz)
Any lights
Participants vote on winner or panel of judges?
Prize of either LED light (would be of my choosing...or with the help of a sponsor whatever we can work out..Any light companies out there watching that feels like working with me on a prize let me know!!) or something else like maybe seeds or a prepaid visa. Let me know what you guys think?
Start from seed only.
12/12 the entire time = No Veg time? Can't remember what we did last time?
Start 5 seeds, keep only 1 by the time sex shows.
Registration Starts 7-1 to 8-15. Then that would give us enough time to finalize all the names entered and create a new thread.
weekly updates mandatory or you're out
I'm sure there's some other things I'm forgetting right now so give me some input guys!
Now let the Registration begin! Have fun!

Yes Im Lazy And I Copyed And Pasted From Puffs Party Cup Grow Off
Party cups (16oz)
Any lights
Participants vote on winner or panel of judges?
Prize of either LED light (would be of my choosing...or with the help of a sponsor whatever we can work out..Any light companies out there watching that feels like working with me on a prize let me know!!) or something else like maybe seeds or a prepaid visa. Let me know what you guys think?
Start from seed only.
12/12 the entire time = No Veg time? Can't remember what we did last time?
Start 5 seeds, keep only 1 by the time sex shows.
Registration Starts 7-1 to 8-15. Then that would give us enough time to finalize all the names entered and create a new thread.
weekly updates mandatory or you're out
I'm sure there's some other things I'm forgetting right now so give me some input guys!
Now let the Registration begin! Have fun!