My first grow. Bagseed. Tons of porn. (NEW pics 17 weeks in)


Well-Known Member
I have been lurking this forum for a long time and decided to finally register and post some pictures of my first attempt at growing.

I got the seed out of a random bag I bought earlier this year, and I am pretty sure it is some variation of kush.

I vegged it for 8 weeks under twelve 23W 6500K CFLs and then switched to 2700K CFLs and added a 400W HPS for flowering. (Overkill, I know.)

I used a watered down mixture of miracle grow at the beginning, and then switched to Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Soil 1-4-5.

I am planning to harvest in a couple of days as it has been flowering for almost 9 weeks now.

On to the pictures:

About 2 weeks in, under 24/0 lighting. (2w/0w)

About 6 weeks in, under 24/0 (switched to 18/6 shortly after) (6w/0w)

About 7 weeks in. (7w/0w)

About 8 weeks in, right before I switched to 12/12. (8w/0w)

About 10 weeks in (8w/2w)

About 15 weeks in (8w/7w)

Close ups of colas etc (8w/7w)

More close ups (8w/7w)

Edit: NEW pics. 17 weeks in (8w/9w)

She is way bigger than I ever expected :) (8w/9w)

So dense! (8w/9w)

Cola close ups (8w/9w)

The colas are getting pretty heavy now, one of them broke and fell over, so I picked it off. I let it hang in a cupboard for the past 3 days, then put it in a jar overnight, and it moistened back up. So I put it back up to hang. I don't really know the best way to cure, and there is all kinds of differing information online. If someone could point me in the direction of a legitimate tek that would be great :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like they need a little more then a few days to finish up. Welcome to RIU!
Thank you for the advice, and the welcome :) These pictures are a couple of weeks old. As of tomorrow it will be 9 weeks flowering. I will take some new pictures asap, and hopefully some of you with experience can recommend whether to harvest now or wait another week or two.


Well-Known Member
NEW pics. 17 weeks in (8w/9w) (05/30/13)
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She is way bigger than I ever expected :smile: (8w/9w)

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So dense! (8w/9w)

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Cola close ups (8w/9w)

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The colas are getting pretty heavy now, one of them broke and fell over, so I picked it off. I let it hang in a cupboard for the past 3 days, then put it in a jar overnight, and it moistened back up. So I put it back up to hang. I don't really know the best way to cure, and there is all kinds of differing information online. If someone could point me in the direction of a legitimate tek that would be great :smile:


Well-Known Member
Nice. Green all the way til the end. I dunno I think they look pretty close to me.

@g00sEgg what makes you say they look like they need more than just a few days? Every pic I saw the pistils are brown and have receded back into the bud and the calyxes have that nice amber hue to them. It is leafy and hell looks like it's going to be a nightmare to trim.


New Member
First ever grow? Well done mate, incredibly well done. A bagseed and it was a girl too... If that's not a sign you should be doing this for life then I don't know...


Well-Known Member
Thanks, STB. I guess I will wait another 4-7 days then. I decided to pick the top cola from the branch that broke a few days ago. I have to say.. it is looking pretty tasty!



Thanks, STB. I guess I will wait another 4-7 days then. I decided to pick the top cola from the branch that broke a few days ago. I have to say.. it is looking pretty tasty!

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WOW what a beast of a grow mann!!!

Damn FIne Job if u ask me! :mrgreen:

IMO its really close to being done. These last few pics u posted, that nug looks pretty ripe & i say if they are lookin like that nug then they're pretty ready to me!!

Its all about patience tho!! lol :lol:


Well-Known Member
I want to know how it tastes/potency. Maybe when you smoke the tester top?
When you weigh before jarring> I'm curious of the final yield!

Beautiful + Covered in Sugar leaves. You have a hell of a trim job ahead of you.

If you could've dropped the CFL around the bottom buds + lower the HPS over the top>
I suspect that would be a slightly better light configuration. That is if you have enough ventilation!
Just an opinion> looks like everything turned out rock solid anyways.
I'm really confused and feeling a little down hahaha. I'm 6 wks into my first grow and my plants do look anywhere near as big as those. What am I doing wrong? I started with a WW and bubblelicious from seed. Started under 4 4ft 40w floros. Then at wk 4 I moved them under a 400w MH for 18/6. Same light sched as the floros. I don't wanna bomb this thread with my pics but if anyone has any advice I will gladly start a thread and upload pics and give all info.

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
I'm really confused and feeling a little down hahaha. I'm 6 wks into my first grow and my plants do look anywhere near as big as those. What am I doing wrong? I started with a WW and bubblelicious from seed. Started under 4 4ft 40w floros. Then at wk 4 I moved them under a 400w MH for 18/6. Same light sched as the floros. I don't wanna bomb this thread with my pics but if anyone has any advice I will gladly start a thread and upload pics and give all info.
Yes start your own thread