Maui Waui - 600watt - Canna coco


Active Member
Day 10 on 12/12

Most of the plants are looking good, numbers 4 to 7 seem to a bit over fertilized but i think they might be males anyway.
All the plants are really close to showing there sex just a couple more days i think. MW#3 is 100% a female i can see her two stigma things and
just by her growth i'm 90% sure MW#9 is a female, but the others i cant tell yet.

DSCN4817.jpgDSCN4819.jpgMW#1 DSCN4820.jpgDSCN4822.jpgMW#2 DSCN4823.jpgDSCN4824.jpgMW#3
DSCN4825.jpgDSCN4826.jpgMW#4 DSCN4827.jpgDSCN4828.jpgMW#5 DSCN4829.jpgDSCN4830.jpgMW#6
DSCN4831.jpgDSCN4832.jpgMW#7 DSCN4833.jpgDSCN4835.jpgMW#8 DSCN4836.jpgDSCN4837.jpgMW#9


Active Member
#3, #7, and #8 are Females.
#1 and #9 are male.
#2, #4, #5 and #6 are unknown, these look more sativa so i guess that's why there taking a little bit longer.
I'l be putting more picture's up on Monday.


Well-Known Member
My babies are reaching for the sun!

  • Strains for this year are:

    1- Holy Smoke Mulanje Gold $$$ Bubblegum (BG)
    2- Local Strain Pakistani Punch - AKA PP
    3- Rare Dankness Scott's OG - AKA Scotts OmG
    4- TGA Huckleberry Kush Tester - AKA Huck
    5- TGA Jesus OG - AKA JOG
    6- TGA Jilly Bean - AKA JB
    7- TGA Ace of Spades - AKA AOS
    8- Holy Smoke Mulanje Freebie x Mozambique Poison (MozPoz) Freebie -AKA MuMo FB
    9- Holy Smoke Malawi Gold Freebie x MozPoz Freebie - AKA MalMo
    10- Holy Smoke Mulanje Gold $$$ BG x MozPos Freebie - AKA MuMo BG​



Active Member
Wow Im jealous Mo, pakistani punch sounds like my favorite :grin:. I've seen holy smokes strains, they've got some amazing landrace's, have you ever grown anything from them before? Good luck with the grow, hope the weathers good for ya


Active Member
wow those be some big plants!

shame about the males but you were expecting them. Looks like you will be able to sex the others soon! Looking forward to it :)


Active Member
wow those be some big plants!

shame about the males but you were expecting them. Looks like you will be able to sex the others soon! Looking forward to it :)
Yeah i think tomorrow i'l be able to tell the others, and it sounds weird but i'm happy about the males because theres no space really, 4 females would be perfect so i'm hoping MW#2 is one


Well-Known Member
I got a few pink Ace of Spades seedlings!

One of the Mulanje crosses had a triple leaf!



Active Member
Once again amazing man, your gonna have some unique plants for sure :-P have you ever seen a plant get colour like this before? and that mulanje is crazy, looks really nice and strong


Well-Known Member
This is my first time growing a strain that has a possible purple phenotype. They are definitely not as big as their green siblings.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
Beware the AOS, they smell great, grow well too, and are frosty as can be, but they are unstable as i've ever seen. i had some pop bananas on me, 3/3 females did so(i stressed them on purpose) under medium stress and training as i wanted to test their mettle, and they failed. but i'm sure they would be fine without any real training.


Active Member
Day 14 on 12/12

So I've still only got 3 females. The others #2,#4,#5, and #6 are still not showing any signs of their sex yet, but i can see them just beginning to form
so hopefully just a couple more days :roll: hahaa. As for my females, their new growth seemed to be getting sort of thinner and twisty so I stopped giving
them boost because I think it may be too much feed but I'm not sure, anyone with any ideas what it could be? Its nothing severe at all as you can see from the

The girls:
DSCN4838.jpgDSCN4840.jpgMW#3 DSCN4841.jpgDSCN4843.jpgMW#7 DSCN4845.jpgDSCN4846.jpgMW#9 (Last time I posted pics I called this one #8 by mistake)

And MW#1 & MW#8 were males.


Well-Known Member
I am stepping in to a whole new realm with all of these hybrids. We will see what happens! I just hope I don't get sidetracked by life and miss any important steps like I did last year with the mainlining. THey were perfect and then I had to leave town for three weeks and they were way to big to keep training. So I had four really long tops on each of the mulanjes:



Active Member
Day 17 on 12/12

MW#2 has finally showed and its another girl :D, so I've put the three that haven't showed yet in the corner, even if they are female I'm going to chuck them because
there too lanky and slow to show. Here's the last female -


480.jpg481.jpg Here's an Eldorado thats just come through, going straight on to 12/12 tomorrow.


Active Member
Thank's Mohican, I've only gone for 4 tops because the pots are small, I'm going to remove all the under growth and useless branches in the next couple of days so it should be more clear


Active Member
These pictures are from yesterday the 7th.
Day 18 on 12/12

MW#4, MW=5, MW#6 still dont want to show me what they are, probably going to get rid of them tomorrow. Its been getting really hot in the room lately, between 80 and 90 degrees but they seem to be taking it ok, and MW#3 is starting to get some bud formation. Heres the 4 females anyway -

DSCN4863.jpgDSCN4864.jpgMW#3 DSCN4866.jpgDSCN4867.jpgMW#7
DSCN4868.jpgDSCN4869.jpgMW#9 DSCN4870.jpgDSCN4871.jpgMW#2
DSCN4861.jpgDSCN4858.jpgDSCN4856.jpg Eldorado which went on 12/12 yesterday


Well-Known Member
I love your MW! The Sativa leaves are so elegant :)

Sativa plants are designed for high sun and heat. Thin pale leaves don't get as hot or lose as much moisture as big dark leaves. I think that is why they are not big nitrogen users. Are you using CO2?

Great job and much respect for growing MW!



Active Member
Thanks Mo and its a pleasure to grow some maui and im sure it will be a pleasure to smoke :D, and yeah i love how the leaves feel as well sort of silky.
And it seems to enjoy this high heat like you said, also it is a very light feeder, i gave them i light dose of boost about a week ago and they didnt like it, so i think
I'l stick to just A+B the whole grow. Hopefully I'l be adding some Co2 in future grows but for now i haven't got it.
I'm gonna try and just grow old school sativas for a while, experience a different buzz all together. You definitely love sativas, malawi is on my list for sure, how was it to grow and smoke?