ideal way to place seeds in soil


New Member
I did the paper towel germination method and the tap root came out like 1/4 of an inch to an 1/8 of an inch. i read different methods on how to place the seed in soil. i just decided to put them in on their side, not up or down. will this be ok?


Well-Known Member
ha this is a subjective topic, but if you look at how they actually sprout the taproot goes in root up, I will get caned for that though. But they will be fine any way!


Well-Known Member
marijuana-seeds-positioning.gifStolen from 420 magazine! Edit: if the root is quarter inch it may be different. They be fine anyway don't stress. Nature is not perfect.


Well-Known Member
Paper towel method?,let it come completely out of the shell,then plant all the way to leaves,bury it all except cotys....if not,pointed end of seed've seen where the taproot comes out:lol:


Well-Known Member
Or you can place the seed point down in mix/RR/RW and let nature do it's job, keep a spray bottle with H2O handy for misting the seedling when she breaks ground.Sometimes, most times the hull will still be attached in some way and if you keep it moist it will prevent tissue damage from a dry hull.Try not to break it loose yourself no matter how bad it bothers ya.One last thing, when I germinate a seed I use a tight piece of fabric.I have seen so many deaths from root tip breakage, it get's woven into the paper towel.


Well-Known Member
I'll say this again if your using a paper towel,let it come completely out of the shell,sometimes it will get stuck and you have to carefully remove the shell.No big deal.Bury it all the way to the cotyledons(baby leaves).DONE.

Hydro,if the root gets stuck in the paper towel,rip the wet paper towel with taproot attached and plant away.NO BIG DEAL.:)peace


Active Member
does the peanut butter work though? Hope so, just put a couple of clones in peanut butter.
Honestly I have no idea, I've heard people doing peroxide chewing off the ends and putting them in peanut butter, seriously.. Not necessarily all at same time but I just laughed and went about my day. Though some people sware by peanut butter


Well-Known Member
I'll say this again if your using a paper towel,let it come completely out of the shell,sometimes it will get stuck and you have to carefully remove the shell.No big deal.Bury it all the way to the cotyledons(baby leaves).DONE.

Hydro,if the root gets stuck in the paper towel,rip the wet paper towel with taproot attached and plant away.NO BIG DEAL.:)peace
Yeah I figured that out a while back.Duh Duh.....We need to do the lunatic raving in noob thread's more often though.I enjoyed it.