The horror of global warming!


Well-Known Member
this right here shows what a deluded, angry little virgin you are. i'll send you soe money since clearly you will need to pay for the privilege of losing your virginity.
some* You'd think a Nobel winning spellchecker would know that.


Well-Known Member
feel free to name some of the top "scientists" who claim that man's activities are not contributing to climate change. i await your list.
Translation: Prove that statement you never made. I say I'll wait, but everyone knows I'm incapable of controlling myself. ( Hope no one notices that I'm the one who claimed 97% of scientists agree with me without ever providing proof)


Well-Known Member
Translation: Prove that statement you never made. I say I'll wait, but everyone knows I'm incapable of controlling myself. ( Hope no one notices that I'm the one who claimed 97% of scientists agree with me without ever providing proof)
show me where i made that claim in this thread, stormfront red.


Well-Known Member
you're claiming that there is no consensus, but then you refuse to provide evidence for such. i thought you might be slightly smarter than our inarticulate euro amiga, but apparently you are not. in addition to that unflattering quality of idiocy, you are also an angry little thing, like you have not been laid in a good long time. seriously sistah, get laid. you can do it, all your ancestors did after all. anyhoo, i repeat my request as it bears repeating: name some of the top anti-anthropomorphic climate change proponents
Translation: I can't do anymore than parrot some alarmist website, let alone name any of the "majority of scientists" I am "quoting", but you must prove a negative or that somehow proves me right. Insult, insult, insult, insult, insult, insult, insult, insult, insult. There, that proves my claim.


Well-Known Member
i am very height/weight proportionate, actually, as are many of the american members who post here. and i post on a mac, you euro trash idiot. it's called the burden of proof, you dim fuckwit. you made the claim, now you get to support it.
Translation: You have a burden of disproof when I make a claim, I have no such burden.


Well-Known Member
i asked for a name, not a link. i would expect this kind of thick headedness from a belligerent australian, but not a holier-than-thou euro dimwit.
Providing citation is not enough. It must be one that I approve and in the form I demand. I won't say what that form is. That way I can dismiss it, no matter what it is. Insult, insult, insult, insult, insult.


Well-Known Member
there are many aussies on this board, not a single one of them comes anywhere close to the angry bitterness of echelon. aussies usually seem to be quite the opposite from what i've seen and read here.
Translation: I claim everyone who disagrees with me is bitter, That way I can pretend I'm a winner!!!


Well-Known Member
If the earth warms, is that a total disaster? Won't there be some benefit to a warmer earth. I saw an article some months ago in a UK newspaper about the people who would die as a result of an overly hot summer. The estimates were several hundred old or infirm people would die because of the elevated temperature. It then pointed out that several thousand die every winter because of the cold and that, on balance, a warmer UK would save lives. Yay for global warming! Places that currently cannot grow crops because it is too cold will be able to produce crops with a warmer climate. Yay for global warming! Al Gore went from rich to super rich. Yay for global warming! Twenty years ago, the "big scare" was the coming ice age. Personally, I am not panicking about the latest predictions. The thing is, the weather changes. Climate changes. If it rains, don't crap your pants.
The jury is still out on global warming, but I can guarantee there will be another ice age. Unless we all pitch in and create more co2.


Well-Known Member
what in the fuck, red? this is why i give you such shit for being a racist baby killer. please match up my words to the aussie's link, or shut your stupid face.
No, you give me shit because you're a monumental ass. And you can't disprove anything I say, so you continuously attempt to discredit me by slandering me (and others). Don't get all holier-than-thou with us while you make false accusations of racism, child molesting, murder and God knows what just to score "points" in your stupid, pathetic attempt to redeem your worthless, empty life.


Well-Known Member
let's take a look at your claim and see if it corresponds with reality. it appears you are 100% wrong, like usual. no surprise there. and learn to use the goddamn multi-quote, you waste of oxygen.
Wikipedia=reality? Multi-quote doesn't appear to work without java, tho why you think I need to conform to your demands is symptomatic of your desire to prove your manhood since you fail so miserably in the bedroom department. "I can't have sex with my wife because SHE BLEEDS OUT OF HER VAGINA!!!" Doesn't seem to stop her tho, she's still on the


Well-Known Member
yes, i am disputing that i cited anything from echelon's list. why you find this funny is beyond me. but then again, you appear to get kicks out of the nastiest shit, as your (former) wife and kids could attest (if they were still alive).
Translation: Pretty much everything is beyond me, but I can prove my point by claiming you murdered your wife and kids. So how smart I am?


Well-Known Member
show me where i made that claim in this thread, stormfront red.
Translation: I know I've only made it ten times or so in this thread, but I'll pretend I didn't. When you do prove it, I'll deride you for following my orders.