growing dense budz


Well-Known Member
ok, this is my secong grow, and i am on my seventh day of flowering. pistils showing, i have 5 bagseeds and 1 thai. my first grow the budz were airy, but i had major high temps on my first attempt. do you think that is why they were airy? and is there anything i can buy to keep flowers tight?

Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
Your buds were probably airy because of the light you are using................What do you use for a light.....?


Well-Known Member
Using C02 will definatley tighten you buds. Also, what drying techniques you use will also change the density


Well-Known Member
Your buds were probably airy because of the light you are using................What do you use for a light.....?
400 hps, temps got to like 97 twice, it was bad, lollots of problems with first grow. this one seems better i will be posting pics soon, just lost usb cable. just want to try and stay away from airy budz, they suck. i am using open sesame right now with tiger bloom and big bloom all ff., soon i will add beastie bloom and chaching. was ganna try molasses this time too. last time i tried 1 table spoon of sugar i dint think it changed anything. ALSO BOTANICARE SWEET.....I AN ADDING THAT NEXT WEEK, ganna go with the berry.


Well-Known Member
feeding molasses
(2-3 tbsp per gallon.)
during flowering supposed to make your buds bigger. usually people do it the last 4 weeks of their grow and through the flushing period. I started as soon as i started flowering. we'll see how it turns out! :)


Well-Known Member
Using C02 will definatley tighten you buds. Also, what drying techniques you use will also change the density
i cannot afford a tank and regulator now, so this week i will be adding 2 1 gallon yeast and sugar water setps. about the drying, can you be a little more specific, on how they would become airy? maybe dry too fast?


Well-Known Member
I will also be using Molasses, Hope this really works. From what ive heard though, It really will.


Well-Known Member
feeding molasses
(2-3 tbsp per gallon.)
during flowering supposed to make your buds bigger. usually people do it the last 4 weeks of their grow and through the flushing period. I started as soon as i started flowering. we'll see how it turns out! :)
would molasses pretty much have the same purpose as a pruduct such as sweet?


Well-Known Member
oh man I hear you about mess bugs ect... I am biased though I switched from dirt to bubble bucket hydro using the lucas formula and I am never switching back, easy no bugs and great growth... ( I also know that many people use dirt with awesome results and I respect that) I will never go back...


Well-Known Member
oh man I hear you about mess bugs ect... I am biased though I switched from dirt to bubble bucket hydro using the lucas formula and I am never switching back, easy no bugs and great growth... ( I also know that many people use dirt with awesome results and I respect that) I will never go back...
between just me, you, and everyone else in here, asa soil grower, this is my second soil grow, and i am just getting the knack of it, sorta i want to switch, but to go to hydro worries me, i feel like ill be learning the whole thing over again


Well-Known Member
I not really sure what kind. Just look and make sure theres not lots of added shti and stuff and you should be fine.. im not 100% sure though, superhighme would probably know more on this subject them me


Well-Known Member
you know I thought so to, but I went to hydro and read the ask lucas couloum ( wich talks about hydro and the lucas formula) I took the leap and switched over, and I would have to say this has actually been easier than soil, ( after trying to build all the bullshit hydro systems and buy the fancy nutes and stuff) just using the lucas formula on my own seeds this has been easier start to finish than soil, it kinda blows my mind because I THOUGHT it was supposed to be hard...


Well-Known Member
you know I thought so to, but I went to hydro and read the ask lucas couloum ( wich talks about hydro and the lucas formula) I took the leap and switched over, and I would have to say this has actually been easier than soil, ( after trying to build all the bullshit hydro systems and buy the fancy nutes and stuff) just using the lucas formula on my own seeds this has been easier start to finish than soil, it kinda blows my mind because I THOUGHT it was supposed to be hard...
can you put up a link to that site?


Well-Known Member
you'll need UNSULPHERED Molasses.

I use Brer Rabbit unsulphered Full Flavor. (they have one thats medium flavor)

Im in the states. its about $3 for a big bottle of it.

theres other brands but as long as its unsulphered black strap molasses.

and yes it does the same thing as Sweet I believe. never used sweet, but i do know sweet has flavors. personally, its rather expensive just to add a flavor to my weed :)


Well-Known Member
ii grew a plant and only fed it molasses the whole grow and urine if it yellowed slightly and it thrived used cfl's.....ii only drink water and the occasional red juice soda ect. and am a vegitarian prob sounds like a odd method but imma try it again ii had irie results.