Question. If MJ roots love Oxygen so much why not..............?


Well-Known Member
......Why not buy a TALL tubular pot....... fill half way with small stones..... fill other half with "compost" .......

that way the half the roots r always aerated......

and the other half is in the nutrient rich "compost"...........

.............. ? ...................


Well-Known Member
hhmm.. well if you used (ACT) which is "compost tea" -- it would work, since that would be pretty much hydro..

but if you just used straight compost, then i would probably assume your roots would fall victim to (root rot/etc) --since your plants will be sitting 24/7 on aerated poo-poo..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
sorry.....i just cant see how u would keep the bottom roots in suspense wet enough to stay alive without letting the top root rot fim so much moisture. ..the two mediums kinda contradict eachother....


Well-Known Member
mmmmmmmmmmm me tinks u r NOT Mr Sunshine!

U r Mr Rain-On-My-Parade!


.......... oh well........ I will just have to try-it-out and make New-Ganja-Contradictory-Discoveryzzzzzzzzz...................



Active Member
I grew a Biodiesel Mass auto in a 5 gallon bucket. When I filled it with soil I stopped half way and poured a 2-3 inch layer of perlite. I'm not really sure why I did it lol :/

Anyways, when I harvested it and examined the roots I saw that the roots going through the layer of perlite were thinner and a lot less of them. It's like when they hit the inert media they sped up to seek more food.


Well-Known Member
I grew a Biodiesel Mass auto in a 5 gallon bucket. When I filled it with soil I stopped half way and poured a 2-3 inch layer of perlite. I'm not really sure why I did it lol :/

Anyways, when I harvested it and examined the roots I saw that the roots going through the layer of perlite were thinner and a lot less of them. It's like when they hit the inert media they sped up to seek more food.
Mmmmmmmmmm so I guess they don't like it much.........


Well-Known Member
im confused. they like it alot? thats why they grow stronger and faster in hydro..also i thought everyone put a layer of perlite(why pebbles?) so that the drainage is even and there aren wet spots between drainage holes... so yea its great for your plants many people do this..but really all your saying is going hydro but super concentrated dirt to feed as you water? i dont get it...grow in hydro


Well-Known Member
im confused. they like it alot? thats why they grow stronger and faster in hydro..also i thought everyone put a layer of perlite(why pebbles?) so that the drainage is even and there aren wet spots between drainage holes... so yea its great for your plants many people do this..but really all your saying is going hydro but super concentrated dirt to feed as you water? i dont get it...grow in hydro
Hey Qwizoking...... the only hydro set up I got is a tank of water .....

I am stuck-on-side-of-mountain!


I gotttt no lekkkky... just lotsa sunshine.... wanna utilize the free-electric in every way I can!



Well-Known Member
lol sorry i have no idea what you said..but wen i said hydro i think your picturing a dwc with like a tank of water and bubblers..i was meaning hempy bucket style, going coir or perlite or expanded clay pellets...i grow great in straight perlite. is what your asking not to replace perlte with cheaper pebbles and then have a nutrient rich topdressing to feed? thats what i understood


Well-Known Member
anyway to answer your question...its best not to have layers of media as the roots up top will be recieving most nutes starving the roots on bottom,likewise the top might not drain or let the roots move.. better to just have a good mix, i prefer a 2/1 ratio perlite to dirt indoors. outdoors i prefer a 1/1 ratio so the top doesnt dry out


Well-Known Member
If you google self-watering 5g buckets.....I use this method only I take it a step further and add an airstone to the bottom where the water is stored.It basically is a water wicking system,me putting in an airstone keeps the water from going stagnant and keeps it oxygenated.I use pillow cases inside the buckets to keep the soil from falling through any holes so next time im gonna drill holes in the sides of the buckets airpot style.Its been working great for me!:)


Well-Known Member
lol i spent like 20 min googling that and trying to absorb didnt how does the top of the dirt get water and how does the bottom(in the water?) not get drowned.. and do you have to change the water?


Well-Known Member
anyway to answer your question...its best not to have layers of media as the roots up top will be recieving most nutes starving the roots on bottom,likewise the top might not drain or let the roots move.. better to just have a good mix, i prefer a 2/1 ratio perlite to dirt indoors. outdoors i prefer a 1/1 ratio so the top doesnt dry out

Outdoors 1/1 ratio.... thazzzzz a lotta Perlite... I didn't think to use soooooooooo much........

Wot do u grow outdoors "photos" or "autos" (lol) ?
