Who was/is a better president, Bush or Obama?


Well-Known Member

Let the debate begin!

They both suck in My opinion!

Can't blame be placed on any one man and/or his agenda, it is a foul and corrupt government. The president is that little snow white stuff on the top of a fresh hot pile of chicken shit. For those that don't know what that snow white stuff is, its chicken shit too.

Piss on the whole lot of 'em.




Well-Known Member
Can't blame be placed on any one man and/or his agenda, it is a foul and corrupt government. The president is that little snow white stuff on the top of a fresh hot pile of chicken shit. For those that don't know what that snow white stuff is, its chicken shit too.

Piss on the whole lot of 'em.


i honestly thought it might have been some kind of aborted egg turned to shit. with chickens, it all come out of the same hole.

i figured out last year white dog shit is from too much calcium.

i've never managed to take a white or snowcapped shit personally.

and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.


Active Member
i honestly thought it might have been some kind of aborted egg turned to shit. with chickens, it all come out of the same hole.

i figured out last year white dog shit is from too much calcium.

i've never managed to take a white or snowcapped shit personally.

and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.

Didnt Obama attempt to take credit for capturing Osama Bin laden...? Are we not still at war?
I don't know about you, but I know many individuals still doing tours

Either Bush is the reason we captured Osama, or Obama waged war to find him. You cannot have it both ways.

Also, side note, funny how the only difference between Osama and Obama is about 3 keys


Well-Known Member

Didnt Obama attempt to take credit for capturing Osama Bin laden...? Are we not still at war?
I don't know about you, but I know many individuals still doing tours
as i recall, obama stated that the united states conducted an operation that killed osama bin laden. please tell me exactly how that is him taking credit for it. i frankly think you are seeing things that are not there, as his words do not match up to your odd claim.

furthermore, i do not see what getting bin laden has to do with the iraq war. they are two separate issues, as we now know.

and we are not still at war in iraq. obama protested it until the day we invaded, and he got us out as soon as he could.


Well-Known Member
The entire question of who is the best is sickening to me. So get ready and don't read this.

It is like top dollar Girls. They are the same. One $5000 Hooker is the much same as the next at the top. Ravishingly Beautiful Sex Machines, Just ask Bill Mahr. :)

At least I get to work both Pros top to bottom and front to back, to see that they were good.

We never get that from a President. We never know until its years after and all the dirt is dug, if we even got a blow job.

Presidents are more like the dancing ladies we can only see thru the glass until our quarter runs out (nightly news)

One or the other or both could be a lousy lay and we can only watch and wonder. Then time for the next tittie show.

Obama has slightly better tits?


Well-Known Member
Well, as far as body counts goes Bush still has the lead and Obama has a very long way to go to catch up. On an economic note, anybody with a functioning mind knows that it was Bush who started the landslide towards poverty that we have been struggling with ever since that prick left office. So, by those two measurements, Bush wasn't just worse, he was a destructive force that the world is still trying to recover from.


Well-Known Member
For Bucky and body counts, I submit FDR....the only 1/2 term President.

For Pearl Harbor and the million men lost in the Pacific.....FDR takes the cake. We could have stopped their gob and helped the British in Burma.

So, FDR fiddled from his chair, while the world went up. I think the dirty secret is, at the FDR level, they knew full well about what was happening to the Jews and did nothing because of that.


Well-Known Member
Well, as far as body counts goes Bush still has the lead and Obama has a very long way to go to catch up. On an economic note, anybody with a functioning mind knows that it was Bush who started the landslide towards poverty that we have been struggling with ever since that prick left office. So, by those two measurements, Bush wasn't just worse, he was a destructive force that the world is still trying to recover from.
No. Just a US President. Sling shit and then take the shit bag home. Next? Oh, nice tits! Let's elect someone with nice tits. Perfect.

Our world is littered with bad Presidents. US Grant was scandal ridden and did almost nothing but harm.


Well-Known Member
For Bucky and body counts, I submit FDR....the only 1/2 term President.

For Pearl Harbor and the million men lost in the Pacific.....FDR takes the cake. We could have stopped their gob and helped the British in Burma.

So, FDR fiddled from his chair, while the world went up. I think the dirty secret is, at the FDR level, they knew full well about what was happening to the Jews and did nothing because of that.
FDR was in a winning situation and he couldn't lose in that war. He knew that it would save our economy and that the Axis powers didn't have a chance in hell against the combined forces of the Allies. He had to know also that it would leave the US as the dominate world power. He probably smiled when Japan attacked. But in Bushes case he started his wars for no real justification, except to capture one man, Bin Laden. He and his cohorts seemed to be too stupid to understand that they were imbedding us in a quagmire, and that there was no real way out except retreat. He showed again that he was just a fool, like he had been his been his entire life, but this time it cost hundreds of thousands of lives.


Well-Known Member
FDR was in a winning situation and he couldn't lose in that war. He knew that it would save our economy and that the Axis powers didn't have a chance in hell against the combined forces of the Allies. He had to know also that it would leave the US as the dominate world power. He probably smiled when Japan attacked. But in Bushes case he started his wars for no real justification, except to capture one man, Bin Laden. He and his cohorts seemed to be too stupid to understand that they were imbedding us in a quagmire, and that there was no real way out except retreat. He showed again that he was just a fool, like he had been his been his entire life, but this time it cost hundreds of thousands of lives.
Not true. Those wars had justification. I have written here extensively about that.

Gulf War 1 - block Sadam from the Saudi oil fields.
Gulf War 2 - kill the man that tried to assassinate our President, block Iran from linking up with Syria. Now we have the Pesmerga Kurds re-armed.

In both cases, the Congress was in almost unanimous agreement. Also, these were both UN santioned for whatever reason. And both had big coalitions of allies, behind them.
(How many Llibyan has Obama killed in that cruise missile dust up? FDR wanted the Jew question settled in Europe.)

FDR risked our sovereignty over that and had our mainland attacked on both coasts.

If you think WW2 was an easy win, you sir, simple don't know the facts. That war cost the lives of 50 Million people. How dare you down play it.

We almost lost. The story is now being told of our luck. It could have easily gone the other way, and was unnecessary and unwise to sit back and let Europe be overrun with horror so the Jews could be killed. We are paying for that today.

Now, I have fleshed both those justifications out ad neaseum and will not again, lucky you. :)


Well-Known Member
i honestly thought it might have been some kind of aborted egg turned to shit. with chickens, it all come out of the same hole.

i figured out last year white dog shit is from too much calcium.

i've never managed to take a white or snowcapped shit personally.

and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.




Well-Known Member
Many people forget that Bush pretty much inherited a recession also, which was turned around. The econemy went into the shitter after 9/11 for a while.

That recession wasn't as serious, and it was largely a result of the .com bubble.

This current one is the result of the housing bubble, mostly. I do not know how this can be blamed on any one person or party even. All and both have contributed.

I would rather have Bush than Obama.


Well-Known Member
i honestly thought it might have been some kind of aborted egg turned to shit. with chickens, it all come out of the same hole.

i figured out last year white dog shit is from too much calcium.

i've never managed to take a white or snowcapped shit personally.

and bush sucked way worse. he has the blood of nearly 5000 americans on his hands from the iraq war. we did not need to go there, and never should have. we also tend to forget the damage done to those who survived those wars: missing limbs, PTSD, and everything else. just a horrible waste of life.

nothing obama has fucked up can compare that.

enough said.
The tragedy of lost life aside, they're both turning out pretty shitty. I seem to recall that along with ending the war in Iraq (Happened) and closing Gitmo (didn't happen), Obama also promised to end the Patriot Act (didn't happen). Since he instead renewed it and signed the NDAA into law; the NSA and FBI now has access to ALL my phone metadata for ALL of my calls. At least from April to July of this year, but who knows if it will be a continuing thing?. That's a grievous overreach, and lends validity to a concerning mindset of "Fuck your rights, it's to prevent terrorism".


Well-Known Member
Even that this is debatable should be answer enough. We may not miss him yet but we're having hell distinguishing the two.



Well-Known Member
Climate change. It happens after every change of office. The hate Bush crowd, now, is quite a sad display.