My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
while not ideal, 95 isnt too awful... what would concern me more is the almost 20 degree fluctuation... that might even be what caused the shemale... could have been genetics or planetary alignments though ;)

also, temps of 95 can be coped with rather well with high cO2 enrichment.

the buds are looking good! nothing like plenty of HPS wattage, eh?

i had a herm this week too... while Grn has voiced opinions on bagseed being more likely to be male, i dont quite agree.... first off, i cant see a reason for the genetics to be predominantly male... but what i can see is bagseed being more likely to hermie... we all try really hard to always grow females and keep them seedless... so, this means more than likely most seeds come from hermaphrodites... increasing the likelihood of further hermies... anyway, that is just a theory i am thinking... and i certainly am not arguing a point... just tossing my 2 cents around :D and of course, i am an idiot ;)

my count out of 15 or so bag seed sprouted plants is 2 hermies so far... with 2 plants unsexed at all (too small of a flower area).... thank goodness for the clones i took!

Didn't I say hermie and male? Maybe not, but either way, it's most likely to be one or the other opposed to straight female. And when I say bagseed, I'm talking swag, not some real good herb that had a few seeds in it. These are more likely to be hermie due to all the stress they endured from not being taken care of + genetics. Mine was grown from some mid grade swag (reggy, dirt weed, kill, flame)


Well-Known Member
The tie-ing off of the plant is working great... email suggestion of the brick(picaso thread) has worked in a very short time and I think is going to increase my yield also! Its like I have two plants where I had one before, and the plants height is no longer a issue! I didn't use the brick I tied off on a clamp and Im flipping the clamp 180 degrees once a day. here are some pics, the mylar kinda fucks with the pic but I cant move the plant now.

Bud sites and the amount of bud seem to be doubling over night! IM really loving this stage of the grow..

IM starting to think the plant below is a different strain... Im not sure it will show in the pics but it looks different to me.. the fan leaves are larger and a richer color green.. what yall think?

My temps are still a bit drastic but better.. I dont think there is much more I can do about that for the time being... Next grow should be pretty sick though~!
changed water in rez today, I have to get the damn filter soon!!! lugging all that distilled water sucks ass!!!!

PPM 980 before runoff
ph 5.4

IM gonna recheck this before I tuck them in and see how much my runoff has raised either...
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Well-Known Member
I'm a little concerned with the curling on one of those plants. You haven't noticed any leaves that are discolored have you? Might be heat or your water temps could be off? I know in a soil grow, if you got curled down leaves like that, it usually means the growing medium is stressed.
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Well-Known Member
yea some of the lower canopy leaves are yellowing but not a whole lot.. like one or two.. also before I took these pics the plants missed two water cycles because rez had dried up on me.. what is the curling a sign of?


Well-Known Member
I edited my post probably before you posted that, read it again.

Here's the pic I was talking about:



Well-Known Member
Like in soil, you can have things like salt that build up in the soil from all the fertilizer. If you don't flush ones a month, the medium becomes stressed and you can tell by how the leaves curl down. If it was hot, the leaves edges usually curl up I believe.

But all that pertains to soil, I'm not sure with how you are doing it. But maybe so, give it a whirl.
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Well-Known Member
ahhhh I got ya, that is probably the case here then... I have not flushed the medium properly in some time.... IM gonna have to get on that! Thanks as usal bro!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. I don't know much about the hydro stuff. When I flush my pots, I always use PHed tap water that has been sitting out for a few days. Or bottled water that has been PHed.


Well-Known Member
I started a new thread on the subject to find out... My tap water is at about 8. ph level.. I can bring that down easily enough... I may end up just trying and see what happens....

btw you watching UFC tonight?


Well-Known Member
aint gonna be there best show but its somthing!!! I fucking hate this time of year for sports!!! with the exception of bball nothing for me to watch.. not into baseball..... needs my football!!


Well-Known Member
aint gonna be there best show but its somthing!!! I fucking hate this time of year for sports!!! with the exception of bball nothing for me to watch.. not into baseball..... needs my football!!

Yea I know what you mean. A few more months my friend. Let me know how that flush goes.


Well-Known Member
it was actually about the use of tap water.... I think you are dead on about the cause of the curling.. I would be curious to see what db and gang think...


Well-Known Member
With The Miss In Waters And The Ph Is A Bit Low.... Your Ppm Is Ok... Could Be Alttl Stress, Pot Does Look A Bit Small, But The Curl,,, Get The Water In There, And Check It In A Day Or A Few Hours... To Confirm Its Not The Water... After That Refreash The Update On That One. Db.~~

Get A Good Water Going If A Flush Is Needed Than That Could Be The Prob As Well Nute-salt Build Ups.