My first attempt at growing


Well-Known Member
ok just flushed with two gallons of tap that I brought to a 5.5 ph level... lights are out now and Im ready to drink and smoke so Ill check em in the morning and see how it went...


Well-Known Member
Cool, I'm ready to see how this works out. What have your temps been like over the last week?


Well-Known Member
still to high but better.... highs 91 lows 81-77.. I know this is not good, but I cant do much about it now... soon I am going to be buying a a/c but gotta new buisness off the ground first before I put the cash


Well-Known Member
Yea man, anything above 85 and pretty much all growth stops or is stunted. Get that a/c unit in soon.


Well-Known Member
yea I know.... Pretty much this is going to have to be a trial run grow... things look better than I thought but I cant really improve things now. so next run will be the shit! but I still have hope for this one..


Well-Known Member
bag seed from a lb of some kind.... dont remember the strain... lb produced like 10 seeds are so... dont really remember...


Well-Known Member
flushing with tap water is generally not a problem... unless your water is stupid hard or damn near acid coming out the tap... for me, i never bothered pHing flush water... the purpose of the pH is to make nute absorption work properly... the purpose of flushing is just to pump as much water through as fast as possible and just wash everything out.

with your temperatures man, you really should consider setting up the cO2 enrichment stuff you have just sitting in a closet.... cO2 will make it think your 95 degree temps are juuuuuuust fine.


Well-Known Member
Didn't I say hermie and male? Maybe not, but either way, it's most likely to be one or the other opposed to straight female. And when I say bagseed, I'm talking swag, not some real good herb that had a few seeds in it. These are more likely to be hermie due to all the stress they endured from not being taken care of + genetics. Mine was grown from some mid grade swag (reggy, dirt weed, kill, flame)
in our first talk about it, it was males... but no worries, i certainly aint arguing, just pondering with you on a theory :)

i accept your terms of the bagseed in question... but i think that it applies to all bag seed... our friend Mary says his are from a higher strain than what you and i are claiming as bagseed and he still had a hermie... but with his temps, my theory that it is the n00b growing that also leads to it...

anyway, again, i aint breaking balls or anything of the like... just comparing notes and theories with a respected colleague :blsmoke:

if you would prefer to not have this talk on the boards (specially not in the middle of someone else's grow log) i understand... you know where to reach me :joint:

hothouse, (you really did pick your name properly) apologies for sticking this conversation in your grow :peace:


Well-Known Member
oh, and now that you have seen how well strapping those gangly bitches down works... see why some of us (specially ones with small spaces) think ScrOG is the only way to fly?


Well-Known Member
well the strapping is what I believe caused the curling of the leaves! I think I got a lil to aggressive about the whole thing.... I loosened up the noose so to speak to let her get nutes up the stalk... Ill post some pics later today that will show why I think the tying down is what caused the probs...


Well-Known Member
LOL it is a plant, not a critter.... the toes aint curling up as you choke the shit out of it ;)

tying too tight will cause the whole area above where you tied to wilt and starve... those leaves are curled up in the classic "holy FUCK it's hot!" pose ;)


Well-Known Member
ill post a pic in a lil while but the main stalk is bent and pinched.... every leaf below this area is not showing the same signs, but all above are curled up.... it is hot in there but all the other plants are going through the same temps and not curling.. I really think it is my overaggressive binding that did the curling.. Ill post a pic in a couple of hours to show what I am talking about.


Well-Known Member
ok, they are your plants and no one knows them better :D

try and show some pics of where you have the noose sitting and the degree of bend to the stalk as well as maybe a closeup of the actual bends.


Well-Known Member
here are a few pics of my fuck up.... I knew I was a being a lil too aggressive... I think heat is a issue but a contributing one.

I also have this suspended from above now.. the plant was almost laying completely over...


Well-Known Member
oh yeah, a crimp in the branch is toooooo far! think of it like a straw... and that analogy will become a lot clearer after you harvest and find out that the stems are all hollow ;)

if you need a BIG bend, you have to go at it a little bit each day... that is why it is called training and not just tying.

the good news is she should recover from that since you untied her.


Well-Known Member
Good Call Hhm. "bfq" Never Visits My Journal,,, He Hates Me! Lol
The Black Line At The Tie Mark Has Me Alittle Worried... If It Keeps Going Down Hill, "maybe" A Chop To Save The Rest Of The Plant... In My Beg. Of My First Grow I Topped In The Bloom About 4+ Wks In And Got Away With It,,, All Plants Are Alittle Diff. But U Might Have To Try And Get Away With It Too. Just My Thoughts. Db.~tlb!:)

Bfq~ Just Hacking U"


Well-Known Member
actually man, i do read your stuff... i am just not big on, "yeah, what he said!" and "nice grow!" posts.... you dont leave me any room to comment ;)

read about your apple juice experiments too ;)

BTW, nice grow ;)


Well-Known Member
hell yea!!! celts takin heads tonight!!!!! no more riu for me tonight game time... rollin fatties chillin some Hefeweizen !!! Ill be back on tomorow with pics of day 3 after fuck up.... live and learn right???