14 hours of light during flowering...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, but every week you'd have to re-adjust.

My whole set up is all computer controller (PLC) so just a little software tweak and and I can do whatever I want down to .01 second timing. Along with inputs for temp, humidity, co2 levels, etc. Now just gotta get past a few more gorws to have it really dialed in.
BBB what's the software called?


Well-Known Member
A plant does 90% of it growings 6 hours into the day cylce, so extending the day cycle without the rest period would stress the plant out and not result in the benificial way you think it would.

This is a surefire way to create a hermaphidic (I cant spell) plant


Well-Known Member
BBB what's the software called?
LOL I really didn't name it. Its software I wrote myself. The PLC is for machine control/automation. Thats part of what i do for a living.

Its pricey to start up, the PLC unit, the programing software etc, figure about $800. but a great susbsitute is a programable relay. They relay starts at $100 and the programing sofware is free.

Programmable Relays

I haven't played with them, since I have the bigger-boy stuff. but they look real good. Some even have AD/DA on them and all have a real time clock.


Well-Known Member
A plant does 90% of it growings 6 hours into the day cylce, so extending the day cycle without the rest period would stress the plant out and not result in the benificial way you think it would.

This is a surefire way to create a hermaphidic (I cant spell) plant
thanx GG :joint:


Well-Known Member
LOL I really didn't name it. Its software I wrote myself. The PLC is for machine control/automation. Thats part of what i do for a living.

Its pricey to start up, the PLC unit, the programing software etc, figure about $800. but a great susbsitute is a programable relay. They relay starts at $100 and the programing sofware is free.

Programmable Relays

I haven't played with them, since I have the bigger-boy stuff. but they look real good. Some even have AD/DA on them and all have a real time clock.
FABULOUS!!! thanx alot. I will definitely look into this automation.


Well-Known Member
the hormone that induces flowering gets released only under 12/12,no other way.by putting veg 36/12 will only stress it out and possibly herm it.it will also go into death mode where its trying to get everything it needs when the lights are out for that time.

so in plain sight,u puff on crack and sniff cocaine:peace:


Well-Known Member
but as long as noboddy has tryed it out we'll never be totaly shure
are you serious? dude, everything has been tried at some point, that's how we know what works. i am more into learning from others mistakes, as opposed to making them myself. at 1st i thought u had your question backwards, because you can veg 24. but the scenarios you proposed are out of the question. i thought u were trying 2 be funny. if u consult FAQ and then read this whole thread, you should be pretty clear w/out having 2 mess up a crop. happy harvesting. :joint: :peace:


Well-Known Member
A plant does 90% of it growings 6 hours into the day cylce, so extending the day cycle without the rest period would stress the plant out and not result in the benificial way you think it would.

This is a surefire way to create a hermaphidic (I cant spell) plant
:lol: hermaphrodite :joint: :peace:

sorry GG, didn't mean to offend. wasn't being sarcastic, thought you were laughing, also. stay blessed. :peace: :peace: :peace: :joint:


Well-Known Member
You know what that is a really interesting find of video you have there.

But here a are couple of downsides to extending the light to 14 hours.

1.)increased light usage
2.)increased chances of hermie
3.) Increased stress

Also those plants are in perfect symbiosis with there enviroment, they are litterally being kept perfect, perfect temps, perfect feeding schedule, every step has been taken to make sure those plants are not stressed in the least bit.

In addition to this there is scientific proof that plants do all thier photosynthesis growing just 6 hours into the day cycle. then resume a nightlly growing schedule based on the dark, then repeat.

Although this guy comes off as super cool amsterdammer grow guy, who Probally does know quite a bit. I am sure this method could be debated and the argument could go either way.

I WOULD NOT RECCOMEND THIS TO SOMEONE WITHOUT PERFECT GROW ENVIROMENTS, AND NEWBIES AT ALL. Shit I wouldnt reccomend this to anyone who hasnt done at least 5 or 6 grows yet.

but props for the find. +1


Active Member
I posted earlier about my plants not going back to veg state after sexing. I have left my plants on 21 on and 3 off. They are ALL budding like crazy. 2 white widow and 2 aussie blue and 1 unknown. Believe it or not, I was not ready as this is my first grow and I wanted to set up a scrog and use clones. As they are in such a flower state, I can't really clip them although I did in the beginning for clones. Didn't work out well.


Well-Known Member
You know what that is a really interesting find of video you have there.

But here a are couple of downsides to extending the light to 14 hours.

1.)increased light usage
2.)increased chances of hermie
3.) Increased stress

Also those plants are in perfect symbiosis with there enviroment, they are litterally being kept perfect, perfect temps, perfect feeding schedule, every step has been taken to make sure those plants are not stressed in the least bit.

In addition to this there is scientific proof that plants do all thier photosynthesis growing just 6 hours into the day cycle. then resume a nightlly growing schedule based on the dark, then repeat.

Although this guy comes off as super cool amsterdammer grow guy, who Probally does know quite a bit. I am sure this method could be debated and the argument could go either way.

I WOULD NOT RECCOMEND THIS TO SOMEONE WITHOUT PERFECT GROW ENVIROMENTS, AND NEWBIES AT ALL. Shit I wouldnt reccomend this to anyone who hasnt done at least 5 or 6 grows yet.

but props for the find. +1
good info. i decided not to experiment with this one, yet. but, knowledge is key. :wink: thanks for sharin'. :peace: