City water contains Chloride & Florine. The chloride kills any & all good & bad bacteria in the water, keeps it from turning green with algae, so most City Folks don't have green teeth. Fresh water is abundant with living organisms that builds your immunity system up. Plants are the same way. Weeds, not our babies, can't survive in a soil that is enriched with natural micro nutrients. Our body & plant life both need a healthy living environment to fight pest & disease. We, the People & Plants, also need the nutrients found in "real" fresh water. When Chloride is added, it's called dead water. Add that with chemical nutes and you have a "Dead Zone". Take it from me, drinking a shot of root stimulator does not enhance the sex life....
Fluoride is a chemical waste, which cost billions to properly dispose of. It's cheaper to pay Politicians millions to dump it in our city water. Believe it or not, could care less. Do the homework, then talk to me.
Water treating plants do what? Retreat the water from your kitchen sink? Toilet? Yes. Good water does not need treating. They use filtering systems before the shit is pumped back to you. Melting snow runs down mountains covered with various types of rocks. This is where the fresh water picks up minerals, salts, etc., that we all need. This City water shit is void of such. What isn't publicized is that the filtering system does not filter out certain chemicals, such as birth control chemicals. That is so sad.
Bottled water? Give me a break! Distilled water is just boiled water, dead water. Spring Water is a marketing catch phrase, unless you seriously think that actual pure spring water is bottled up in plastic containers. This is a story about Alice, remember Alice? The FDA wouldn't allow pure spring water to be bottled & shipped. It has to be killed first. So our water isn't real healthy. Enter stage left, cancer & a multitude of other problems.
Plastic containers, petroleum by-products. Highly porous. Water absorbs the chemicals that make up the plastic bottles. Where do the majority come from, your recycle bin. Of course pure water is contaminated by the plastic. I do use a 1 gal milk container for my personal water jug. It's 1 year old now. I know it has got to be better than a fresh chemical laden water jug. But that's not what I came to talk about.
During a thunderstorm, the lightening puts natural nitrogen is the rain water. The falling of such rain adds oxygen. I think that is what our Babies need, nitrogen & oxygen. Not microwaved molasses & dead water. Damn that Afghan Bud is good! Wheelchair for me. Just food for thought.