11 weeks into flowering greenhouse thai plant


Well-Known Member
the jury is still out on the 'great dad' award but my kids like me and i like them so that is something...


Well-Known Member
not as dense as i thought the were. a lot of sugar leaves. hopefully i can dry and cure this properly. my mad skills at curing are bad skills...


Well-Known Member
if it's thai, it shouldn't be dense, so that sounds about right
some sativa's are definitely a luxury for an indoor grow


Well-Known Member
chopped her down and am using https://www.rollitup.org/harvesting-curing/514841-perfect-cure-every-time.html to try to cure her properly. i flushed the soil about 2 weeks and even though popular opinion is that flushing is a waste of time, the early taste test points towards my plants needing the flush. the taste 3 and a half days after chopping is not too bad. the smell is awesome. i think i should contact yankee candle and tell them they should have a thai weed scented candle:lol:. i got 73 grams off of the plant. very light and airy buds. my yield for the 4x4x2 tent was a total of 133 grams which is a lot less than i had hoped but i was using t5 bulbs and cfls and i screwed the pooch on 2 of the 4 plants. all in all i am happy with my first grow. i learned a lot and have a good stash for a while.


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good luck with the cure, i've been using the same method for a couple of years, highly recommended
if that is dry bud weight, it would be outstanding for Thai IMHO


Well-Known Member
it is the weight of the buds(and some stems) when sort of dry. i put them in mason jars the other day with a hygrometer and after a day sealed up, the reading was 72%(initially it was 62%). took the buds out and let them air dry for about 6 hours. put them back in masons but the reading was still 71%. they are in paper bags now(because leaving them out in the open to air dry is not possible as i have a curious cat) and will go back in the jars at around 60-63% rh.


Well-Known Member
the 73 grams was the thai weight sort of dry. the remainder is some weed i kind of screwed up and a stacked kush i pulled 33 grams off. if the thai tastes even remotely like i recall 1970's thai stick tasting like, i will gladly use my grow space for thai again. i have 4 seeds left. any ideas on how long i can keep the seeds?


Well-Known Member
seeds can stay good a very long time, i refrigerate in plastic containers with uncooked rice for low humidity, that can keep them good for years still a good haul for your thai grow, i really do have to get some sativa dominant seeds at some point, threads like yours show the fluoro's can do the job for sativa's


Well-Known Member
i am probably going to start again in the fall. fewer plants. started 5. all sprouted. one was weak. the 4 left were in good shape until i poisoned 2 accidentally. my 4x4x2 tent is too small for more than 3 plants. probably wont refrigerate the seeds and will take my chances. my home is not really secured that well. i will need to re-tool for my next grow. too many of my kids friends come around and i get paranoid or maybe realistic...


Well-Known Member
i am probably going to start again in the fall. fewer plants. started 5. all sprouted. one was weak. the 4 left were in good shape until i poisoned 2 accidentally. my 4x4x2 tent is too small for more than 3 plants. probably wont refrigerate the seeds and will take my chances. my home is not really secured that well. i will need to re-tool for my next grow. too many of my kids friends come around and i get paranoid or maybe realistic...
If you are set up properly, ventilation and filter, it won't be noticeable.
My daughter comes to visit regularly. Before she moved out her friends came and went regularly. We have my grandson's birthday parties here and people from all walks of life are sitting in the living room and not even a clue that I might have something growing.


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i don't have the tent vented outside. i have a charcoal filter that minimizes the stink but my kids just blamed what stink there was on the fact that they smoke a lot of weed. the yield from this grow should keep us happy for a bit at any rate. the room gets too warm at this point anyway. early fall is when i will give it another go...


Well-Known Member
almost 2 weeks from chopping and the cure is coming along. the jarred buds got into the cure zone (according to the perfect cure thread) a few days ago. rolled a halfie last night and the taste is getting there. very little hay taste. the smoke is really nice. my wife described it as the top pf her head feeling heavy. lol. my son smoked some on a bike ride the other day and though he usually knows the area like the back of his hand, he said he felt like he was lost a couple of times. i have been smoking on and off for probably 35 years and have never had smoke this good. i need to get out more or have better friends(with weed)... ;)


Well-Known Member
glad you're getting a good product, you certainly invested some time
i didn't get too much of the aisian weed way back, east coast more mexican/columbian
but i have seen posts of MJ tourists over Thailand way, they say you can wreck your lungs on some of the local smoke
your grow may have been spot on all the way


Well-Known Member
4 and a half months of curing and the smoke is now smooth and delicious. not like the old thai of my youth but tasty in a non-hashy/indica taste way. i am now trying dutch passion master kush. below is a link to my current grow...