If you get the Green tape.....


Active Member
Hello all, I have been seeing many threads on the dreaded green tape, and would like to suggest to those who get the green tape to do the following if your seed bank carries a guarantee:

First do not open the package!

Take pictures of it as is unopened, why? Some seed banks require a photo of the customs document that many threads are saying packages are no longer coming with, this way you can show that it is unopened by you and was only opened previously by customs.

Best of Luck


Active Member
mine came without a letter just the tape. I took a picture of it before I openedit. I hope they resend them. it's not like people have customs tape sitting around and trying to come up on free seeds...


Active Member
mine came without a letter just the tape. I took a picture of it before I openedit. I hope they resend them. it's not like people have customs tape sitting around and trying to come up on free seeds...
Agreed, but the less reason you give someone to believe you could not have opened then taken, the better. I also have also read threads that had the green tape but the beans were still inside.


while i do agree i alos know how it is with ppl trying to get a free one up on seedbanks so they do need to be careful, as long as u order the guarentee from att. u WILL get ur shit, if u dont, something is off. period


Active Member
while i do agree i alos know how it is with ppl trying to get a free one up on seedbanks so they do need to be careful, as long as u order the guarentee from att. u WILL get ur shit, if u dont, something is off. period
Exactly spend the x-tra money and get the guaranteed delivery. .stands to reason spending money and NOT GETTING THE GUARANTEED SHIPPING IS DUMB having to add worries is without merit..i only had one order not arrive and it never left usa customs . ATTITUDE COULD SEE THAT AND SENT ME ANOTHER ORDER PRONTO.. GUARANTEED SHIPPING IS THE ONLY WAY TO GO


i agreew ith the above post, as long as you spend the extra 15 bucks for your 300 dollar seeds you will get what you paid for, if u try to be cheap about it, dont be surprised when u lose 300 dollars when u shoudla spent the extra 15 to guarentee it, not saying its right, just saying how it is.


Well-Known Member
A little info for you all :) While Green Tape shows that customs opened the package this does not mean customs took the product we know this as a fact due to customers letting us know they received the products even though customs opened the package this is why seed banks ask for a copy of the letter as well.