Safe watt amounts drawn before the energy company notices

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
If you look up the recent bust of a NYC equestrian soccer mom that had a warehouse with a grow in it. She paid her bill every month, but, the electric company noticed a high electric bill and notified Leo. She is going to be heading to jail for a long time because of that.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
Question if your doing a personal grow what would be the best watt to have to grow a amount for the whole year? I start my inside grow once fall hit. This year I want to grow enough for me and my wife to last us till next indoor season but I don't want to go OD on the watts. I already have a 600w hps/mh.


Well-Known Member
It depends entirely on the amount you consume.

I can grow a personal stash from one crop to last me a year.

I smoke about an ounce per month.

One grow yields me over 400g from my 400w.

Needless to say I don't like smoking the same shit every day so I do a few grows a year.



Well-Known Member
I'd be more worried about the ballasts (if they are digital) ratting you then the power company perking you out..

WOW..... If this had happened to me there would be some comcast guys in the hospital. I generaly don't have any issues if someone knocks on my door a I will NEVER OPEN MY DOOR, but walk around the house (go out back door) carrying a bat or Katana (depends what kind of mood I am in) OH WHY DON'T THE MORMON MISSIONARIES COME OVER AND PLAY ANY MORE....................................


Well-Known Member
My digital ballast does not bother any of our devices either. I wonder if the newer ones are better than those of just a few years ago with the whole RF thing.
Theres 1 one ballast that so far has the tech not to do that. And thats from my favorite nutrient company. They are called badass ballasts. Watch this vid you will see them test different ballasts including that one



Well-Known Member
WOW..... If this had happened to me there would be some comcast guys in the hospital. I generaly don't have any issues if someone knocks on my door a I will NEVER OPEN MY DOOR, but walk around the house (go out back door) carrying a bat or Katana (depends what kind of mood I am in) OH WHY DON'T THE MORMON MISSIONARIES COME OVER AND PLAY ANY MORE....................................
Bro i just had a couple mormons come up to my door last week, they switched it up on us. They sent some cute chics, totally threw me off guard!!

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
How many plants do you grow at one time under the 400w also what's your veg time? I can make it off one oz a month.
It depends entirely on the amount you consume.

I can grow a personal stash from one crop to last me a year.

I smoke about an ounce per month.

One grow yields me over 400g from my 400w.

Needless to say I don't like smoking the same shit every day so I do a few grows a year.



Well-Known Member
How many plants do you grow at one time under the 400w also what's your veg time? I can make it off one oz a month.
4 plants.

Last harvest of some cheese I used 4x5" clones that I vegged for 3 weeks and then flowered for 10 weeks.

Yield was 439g dry.

This time around I'm expecting to go near if not over again. 3x seed plants with nearly 6 weeks veg and 4 clones with almost 2 weeks veg. Link in my sig.


Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
If you look up the recent bust of a NYC equestrian soccer mom that had a warehouse with a grow in it. She paid her bill every month, but, the electric company noticed a high electric bill and notified Leo. She is going to be heading to jail for a long time because of that.
some more false info, it seems to be a trend of RIU.

if you're going to contribute to any thread, at least have some legitimate facts to support your accusations.

i did a quick google search to check the validity of your story, only to find out that she was told on by someone who turned state evidence and not by the electric company.


Well-Known Member
some more false info, it seems to be a trend of RIU.

if you're going to contribute to any thread, at least have some legitimate facts to support your accusations.

i did a quick google search to check the validity of your story, only to find out that she was told on by someone who turned state evidence and not by the electric company.

The NY time reported that it wazs the electric company that turned her in, I read the article the other day.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
false propaganda, the link i provided tells it all.

also, think about it, her light bills was $9,000 a month for years that was paid in cash, all of a sudden they drop a dime on her out of no where?
common sense tells me it's more to the story than just the electric company reporting her. even if so, she is operating out of a warehouses, not a home, so a high electric bill from a warehouse isn't all that suspicious.


Well-Known Member
The NY time reported that it wazs the electric company that turned her in, I read the article the other day.
Ya, so she fucked with her plant amount. She was rated on! And the cops/Feds always pull the elcetric bill as mean to billed a case. Also if she would of been steeling elctricty she would of really been fucked.

Dont always belive what you read espicaly in The fucking New York Times. Go read the article that fresh linked you to!