Well-Known Member
Ok everyone this is it, I'm praying for you all and hoping that you will join me in sobriety and praying for others to become and remain sober, I pray everyone on the forum and in the universe to stop doing drugs and for those who haven't to never try them and I ask you all to make a pledge to not do drugs and join in this thread.
Make your pledge here and join the thread. If everyone joins in and stops doing bad stuff we can be friends, but if your doing bad stuff I don't want to talk to you.
I don't like negativity and I love God and the gift of life and my mind and all the natural beauty. Will you join me in enjoying this blessing
Reality is a crutch for those who can't face illusion. Why do people try to telepathically communicate with imaginary things, you're thread makes me feel uncomfortable, pretty low attempt at trolling. You are psuedo-solution w/no problem