will i be murdered at work soon?

The Growery

Active Member
just do your job and be very polite, but not overly. dont get into this with your boss, especially if you are the newer employee and they already have what seems to be a pretty buddy buddy relationship. put your time in and go home to look for better employment, you DONT need a boss like that.
i've known the boss for for about 15 years, I used to work for him in high school and college, he taught me the trade personally, he hugged me (not a gay hug, not that there's anything wrong with that) when I left work the first day saying it's great to have me back, he's talked to me about buying the business as well. sorry should have cleared that up. i started back working for him about three weeks ago after getting laid off from a "respectable (bullshit)" job. he's complained about this employee several times to me when it's just us in the shop over the very same problems I have with her. problem is it's hard to find a replacement for her, she does a niche job.

I kinda feel like I need to bring this up to him. there is no reason for her attitude. for god sake's i open and close the shop on most days, I would think he would favor me over her but the problem lies in replacing her I guess, i don't know though

I appreciate the comic relief but this is a serious situation for me. i need some serious suggestions. i mean is it appropriate to suggest looking for a replacement considering he's not that fond of her to begin with. she'll take jobs that belong to the shop for herself when he's not around, she'll meet her customers on the company's time at the company's parking lot when the boss isn't around... i want to tell the boss this but i feel like it's wrong some how or will be percieved negatively.


Active Member
i've known the boss for for about 15 years, I used to work for him in high school and college, he taught me the trade personally, he hugged me (not a gay hug, not that there's anything wrong with that) when I left work the first day saying it's great to have me back, he's talked to me about buying the business as well. sorry should have cleared that up. i started back working for him about three weeks ago after getting laid off from a "respectable (bullshit)" job. he's complained about this employee several times to me when it's just us in the shop over the very same problems I have with her. problem is it's hard to find a replacement for her, she does a niche job.
well then yeah def say something to him man!


Well-Known Member
I'm with C2G. I was going to suggest that you make an annonymous call to the popo from a work phone saying you overheard her telling someone she was "going to shoot a coworker with the gun she hides in her bra". At least 10 cars will show up, probably SWAT, and at least one news channel.

The Growery

Active Member
it's one of those old-school trade shops where some people get paid under the table, ect. not exactly a by-the-books place but that's one of the reasons I love working there b/c I can smoke on lunch breaks and not worry about drug tests

the annonymous phone call isn't a bad idea but the problem is there is only 4 employees working here full time so it'd be pretty obvious who called... the only person she doesn't like lol!

maybe if I'm rational with the boss and point out that it's illegal to show a weapon in the workplace even if you have a ccw and that we have no idea how mentally stable she is and the way she has be acting towards me makes me feel a bit concerned. maybe he will sympathize with that


Well-Known Member
should i just call my boss before going to work tomorrow? i find it kind of troubling that he was laughing about her carrying a gun... he also knows that she does not like me b/c she brought it up to him when I wasn't there that she didn't appreciate him assigning work to me that should be hers. in the altercation she talks about I had asked her a few times if she wanted to take over and she said no, i asked if there is a problem and she said "im fine" and proceeded to sit there on the clock doing nothing when she could have easily continued cutting patterns freeing me up to do other pressing jobs, as I had explained to her in a calm assertive tone. since then she's been a total bitch to me.

I would bust a cap in somebodies ares. Wheres Tee when you need him? Donnys take care of this shit.


Well-Known Member
i have a co worker who has been rude to me since I started there. nice to everyone but me. goes out of her way not to say hi and good bye, if she's picking up lunch she'll ask everyone but me, ect. you get the idea. this all stems from a rediculous petty situation of me cutting out patterns b/c the boss told me to instead of her. come to find out that she carries a gun at work!! she has a concealed weapons permit and she keeps it under her boob, apparently she showed the boss today b/c he was laughing about it after she left. well I feel like if I rub her the wrong way one day, bam there goes my brains all over the floor. isn't this fucked up or no?
Women don't shoot, they stab


Well-Known Member
it's one of those old-school trade shops where some people get paid under the table, ect. not exactly a by-the-books place but that's one of the reasons I love working there b/c I can smoke on lunch breaks and not worry about drug tests

the annonymous phone call isn't a bad idea but the problem is there is only 4 employees working here full time so it'd be pretty obvious who called... the only person she doesn't like lol!

maybe if I'm rational with the boss and point out that it's illegal to show a weapon in the workplace even if you have a ccw and that we have no idea how mentally stable she is and the way she has be acting towards me makes me feel a bit concerned. maybe he will sympathize with that
Does she get coffee at starbucks in the morning, frequent a local bar at night, etc? You can call from an anonymous number and say you overheard her talking to someone else about it. If they ask too many questions, just say you don't want to get involved and hang up. Make sure you say she mentioned the name of her work as "...". Trust me, they WILL show up and if she has a gun in her bra at the time, she'll have some "splainin to do".


Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
she shot him in the face 6 times after he was dead too.. that bitch is not a good control for your hypothesis model.


Well-Known Member
Put some Lsd in her coffee and watch the fireworks.


seriously tho try it

no no don't do that
No. Seriously. Try that shit. This has to be the best suggestion yet. Go with this one. Fuck man... tell me where you work, I'll fuckin do it.

great suggestion joe mac!


Well-Known Member
I hate it when people are c%#^ s for no reason at work! If you wanna make yourself feel better think of ways to fuck with her :) for eg,superglue coffe cup to desk , food die on chair , I once superglued all my bosses pages of his diary together lol, I can be a spiteful motherfucker when people do the wrong thing by me (also paint stripper does wonders to car bonnets)