The Drunk Thread!


Well-Known Member
stillbuzzin where u at bro
u get lost ?


Im here , I sent you a message. But you still dont have private messaging. Whats up with that. I need to talk to you


Well-Known Member
^^^^^Where the hell did all this smoke come from? lol Everything eventually seems to blow this way.

I'm only here for a while tonight, until I get that magical phone call.:hump: Got an 11 pack* to try and kill in the meantime. After all, it is Friday night!bongsmilie


*Yeah, it's an 11 pack because when i was carrying my 12 pack out of the grocery store the damn cardboard box tore and it fell on the ground. I feel lucky only one broke. Thus, an 11 pack it is.


Well-Known Member
I know it's still early, but am I really the only one enjoying a cold one?
