Duck foot (mutated 3 leafed weed)


New Member
Ok I have some stuff that round here is called duck foot for its 3 leafed trait, its really odd looking weed and really its hard to tell its even a pot plant sometimes. anyways heres the thing I have 6 duckfoot female clones and they all started out weird and mutated looking, well four of them reverted to normal-ISH looking pot plants but I have 2 in my flower room that rufuse to do anything put pump out mutated leafs. they also refuse to show signs of flowering unlike there sisters in the VEG room. needless to say I'm a little confused (btw I have only had them in flower 1 week so not long at all) I have 8 other bag seed plants same age and they are all showing sex at this point.

Also the duck foot has some very odd twisted leaves at the node sites, they look like bud leafs???? they are not male parts bud are very odd, there sisters in the veg room have normal female preflowers at there nodes, I apologize for the crappy camera on my phone, anyone with experience in this area or with this strain that could help me out? also something worth mentioning all of the branching on the nodes is not even on any of the duckfoot as in there is only one branch at each node and on each side.

Pics explained: 1st pic is normal duck foot clone in veg room normal looking 5 set leafs and plant.
2nd and 3rd pic is mutated duckfoots in question
4th pic is best pic I could get of duckfoot nodes with weird twisted leafs on them
5th pic is entire flower garden just becuase:) EDIT wrong damn pic that was from like 3 weeks ago ah well forget the 5th pic



Well-Known Member
Hmmm, I'm interested to see what kind of info pops up here. I've got a "duck foot" white widow that started out with two cotyledons and one pointy leaf, and turned into this:


Notice the necrosis on the one first leaf; my nighttime soil temps were getting low but some heating pads saved my plants lives.

But I was hoping this plant would grow normally from the second node up. That obviously isn't happening. I was also hoping that I would be able to take a clone from a normal branch (whenever one developed) and have regular, normal white widow clones, but after seeing this thread I'm not sure if that'll work either.

Did you take the clone from a weird branch? Or was the clone regular looking at first but grew with the deformity regardless?


New Member
No the clone was taken from a mother that is normal however the mother has been cloned many times they all started out deformed some of them came out of it and 2 didn't.


Well-Known Member
no explaination other than the obvious, identical clones genetic wise can produce different pheno's
never saw it documented so well, though i guess some kind of bug/disease could be present in the affected plants


bud bootlegger
duck foot is usually a strain of cannabis, like you said, doesn't really look like most cannabis due to it's odd leaf shapes..
the 4th pix i think it was showed a good duck foot quality to me although the rest of them looked non duck footed to me..

never heard of a strain going duck footed other than it being duck foot from the start..

there are a few threads on here about the duck foot strain i've seen in the past..


bud bootlegger
Hmmm, I'm interested to see what kind of info pops up here. I've got a "duck foot" white widow that started out with two cotyledons and one pointy leaf, and turned into this:

View attachment 2707567View attachment 2707568View attachment 2707569

Notice the necrosis on the one first leaf; my nighttime soil temps were getting low but some heating pads saved my plants lives.

But I was hoping this plant would grow normally from the second node up. That obviously isn't happening. I was also hoping that I would be able to take a clone from a normal branch (whenever one developed) and have regular, normal white widow clones, but after seeing this thread I'm not sure if that'll work either.

Did you take the clone from a weird branch? Or was the clone regular looking at first but grew with the deformity regardless?
i wouldn't call that duck footed.. a lot of seedlings, mainly indica dom's, will start off with those super fat crazy looking leaves, but will typically grow a bit more normal looking as the plant ages..
the true duck foot strain will stay that way from seed to harvest..


New Member
Ya thats kinda why im confused all 6 of my duckfoots started out very deformed looking 4 grew out of it is the confusing part to me the 2 in my flower room are going to stAy deformed from start to finish apparently
ill get the good camera out tomorrow and post some real pics
thanx for the input so far


Well-Known Member
no explaination other than the obvious, identical clones genetic wise can produce different pheno's
Wait, how can genetic clones produce different phenos? I thought that was the only way to guarantee pheno, by taking a clone. Clone=exact same genetics. Different pjeno would mean different combination of dominant/recessive traits, or different genes.

i wouldn't call that duck footed.. a lot of seedlings, mainly indica dom's, will start off with those super fat crazy looking leaves, but will typically grow a bit more normal looking as the plant ages..
the true duck foot strain will stay that way from seed to harvest..
Yeah, mine is getting closer to growing normal. At least it has two leaves coming out at once now, even if the fingers are weird still. Plus the amount of fingers is increasing on each higher node, so I'm hoping she turns normal lol.


Well-Known Member
clone the odd looking one at least lol u can do that outside stealthy for the summer in a garden or something


New Member
Duckfoot Hybrids are just that . Hybrids are not going to be uniform and very few people have Wally Ducks real work , the genetics of the Duckfoots plant have been used for longer than most realize . I have friends who grow it and to be honest it is more of a novelty than it is marijuana lol . Although some mixes with it can be good , its noted that the trade for ducks foot appearance will result in potency being diminished , its just a compensation thing we have to accept .

I had a friend who grew more bagseed than anything call me up one day puzzled to the max , he though the Ducksfoot he found in a bag seed was a mutation or that he did something very wrong lol , he even thought maybe all the damn Febreeze used in his home for odor control had a factor in the mutation .. It was funny as hell though as I walked into his basement grow and shouted Ducksfoot before he could even show me this run . He looked at me puzzled and I returned the favor and explained where this gene originated and why it was used . Now to explain how the fuck it wound up in random bag seed in Michigan is still a mystery to me .

On a last note , the hybrids he grew were actually potent compared to the IBL Ducksfoot I had elsewhere ..

Here are some shots from overseas , compliments of Seedheaven and crew !

duck bud.jpgduck.jpgducksfoot.jpg


Well-Known Member
Very informative, had no idea this existed and thought you guys were making shit up.

I have a mutant white lavender with three branch nodes instead of two. It's growing well so haven't been too concerned.


New Member
Very informative, had no idea this existed and thought you guys were making shit up.

I have a mutant white lavender with three branch nodes instead of two. It's growing well so haven't been too concerned.

Trilateral branching can be to ones advantage and this is a common mutation found in cannabis , especially in South American and Asiatic strains .


Well-Known Member
I had a tri-node auto once and tried to breed it into some other autos I had and it would only appear maybe 10% of the time. Never could quite figure it out. When I could get it to express it was really nice because those phenos could always take alot more nutes and the density of the buds was quite significant with the extra node being there. Pretty interesting read guys, keep the great info coming. Peace out.


New Member
clone the odd looking one at least lol u can do that outside stealthy for the summer in a garden or something
Lol that's what I was thinking;-)
and thank you professor that was very informative I've been trying to get those high res pics but I'm actually working a night shift all weekend
and I'm finding it hard to get it done I'll get them within the next few days for anybody who still interested I'll probably have some new developments by then too


Wait, how can genetic clones produce different phenos? I thought that was the only way to guarantee pheno, by taking a clone. Clone=exact same genetics. Different pjeno would mean different combination of dominant/recessive traits, or different genes.
Genetics isn't everything. The environment can affect the outcome of a plant's traits just as well; it's about gene expression, epigenetics. The environment and growing conditions will influence just how genes are expressed, and to what extent.


Well-Known Member
Wait, how can genetic clones produce different phenos? I thought that was the only way to guarantee pheno, by taking a clone. Clone=exact same genetics. Different pjeno would mean different combination of dominant/recessive traits, or different genes. ...
can't give you an answer other than what Nullis posted, different conditions seem to be able to change the outcome of indentical genetics
i've seen this posted enough to be a believer, clones don't always come up identical, even in very similar conditions
this plant still has some mysteries for us


New Member
ok I have some new hopefully better pictures taken with a 12mp camera verses the 1mp phone i was using.

The duck foot is flowering and theres a few pics of the female parts but they are a little hard to see in the pics. I still don't understand why 4 of the clones reverted to normal looking plants but I plan on cloning the hell out of the duckfoots that have stayed mutated. I can see the fact that they don't look like pot plants to be a very desirable trait for out door/stealth grows, they still stink to high heaven but they do not look like weed lol. hopefully the smoke is potent and in a couple months or so when I harvest I will let you guys know how it turns out. (it may be 2 grows before I can tell for sure because my hps is on the fritz and im using T5's)

thanks everyone for all the info so far especially prof pot snob:) I have been looking for info on my plants and coming up empty and that was very informative. If anybody else knows anything feel free to chime in I want to know as much as I can about this strain.001.jpg002.jpg003.jpg004.jpg005.jpg008.jpg