Well-Known Member
Now, that doesn't mean RIU. RIU may actually be seeing less attention (from me) soon, as I am doing more things now. I know some of you are jumping for joy, and wondering why I would even bother to tell you this. But I am no longer just a marijuana video maker. I am a writer, I am a vlogger (I really don't like that term, I want to coin a new word, like "Individualistic Documentarian" or something), I get paid to play video games, and I am a registered minister. And yes, all of these things were true before, I made vlogs, spoke of religion and the future of the Earth, and I played video games (never really publically though). But the money I have earned writing has allowed me the freedom to do so many new things, within the things I was already doing. So you're gonna be seeing a lot more of me on the internet, but somewhat less of me on RIU. Don't worry, I've still got my own homebred strain, and I'll be making a series about that soon. The Marijuana videos aren't kaput, they just aren't alone now.