were you asleep? are you retarded?
the physical evidence contradicts zimmerman's account in so many ways. it renders his credibility to zero.
fuck, zimmerman's own account contradicts zimmerman's account.
or how about i put it like this: which account of zimmerman's do you think the physical evidence corroborates?
good job on trying to make this a racial thing even though it clearly is not. not surprising at all coming from the same guy who called obama an "affirmative action president" based on zero evidence whatsoever. we all know what's driving your feeble thought process on this one, and it's not the actual evidence, it's your race-based delusion.
after all, despite the clear fact that zimm is lying left and right, you called this "political retribution for the black man".
we don't need a racist tool like you weighing in on this one.